Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS


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Table 6.4 shows the percent distribution of births in the last five years by type of prenatal carereceived by the mother and the percentage of births whose mothers received tetanus toxoid injectionsduring pregnancy. The figures indicate that prenatal care is widespread in Ondo State. For 80 percent ofbirths the mother received prenatal care from a doctor, nurse or midwife; only 15 percent of mothers didnot receive a prenatal checkup. For seventy-one percent of births, the mothers were vaccinated againsttetanus. However, there is one segment of the population which receives relatively little prenatal healthcare. In the riverine areas, for 70 percent of births, the mothers did not receive a prenatal checkup and foronly 13 percent of births were they vaccinated against tetanus during pregnancy. These data point to theneed for improved health services for the riverine people of the State.Table 6.4Percent Distribution of Births in the Last Five Yeara by Type of Erenatal Care for the Motherand Percentage of Births Before Which the Mother Received a Tetanus Toxo~d Injection,by Background Characteristics, O<strong>DHS</strong>, 1986Type of Prenatal CarePerceRtNurse Birth ReceivingBackground or Attend- Rela- No Total Tetanus NO. ofCharacteristic Doctor Midwife ant tlve Other One Missing Percent Injection BirthsAge

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