Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS


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contrasts with the NDSS distribution where, above age 25, the percentages in each successive age groupgradually decline.In terms of broad age groups, the distribution of respondents is about the same in the O<strong>DHS</strong> andthe NDSS with the percentage under 30 being 53 and 56 percent, respectively. Moreover, the substantialdecline in the percentage of women between age groups 15-19 and 20-24 in the O<strong>DHS</strong> is consistent withthe enumeration of twice as many women in the age group 10-14 as in the age group 15-19 in the 1980NDSS (National Population Bureau and Institute for Resource Development/Westinghouse [1988]).Thus, the O<strong>DHS</strong> survey found the same size difference between adjacent age groups as was found sixyears earlier in the NDSS. Nevertheless, peculiarities of the O<strong>DHS</strong> age distribution, particularly the fiatspots over the broad ages from 20 to 34 and 35 to 49, suggest errors in age reporting and those errors mayaffect some of the survey results.Table 1.3Percent Distribution of Women Age 15-49 by BackgroundCharacteristics, 1980 NDSS for Ondo State and 1986 ODDSBackground 1980 1986 Background 1980 1986Characteristic NDSS O<strong>DHS</strong> Characteristic NDSS O<strong>DHS</strong>Age Religionf15-19 21.6 26.3 Catholic |80.6 10.320-24 16.6 13.4 Protestant [ 74.425-29 17.6 13.3 Moslem 13.0 13.430-34 14.9 13.0 Traditional 5.3 1.035-39 13.2 11.4 None 1.2 0.940-44 9.7 11.345-49 6.3 11.3 EthnicityYoruba 87.8 85.8Residence Other 12.2 14.2Urban 31.7 40.2Rural 168.3 52.0Riverine 7.8EducationNone 53.5 36.9Primary 20.5 23.8Secomdary 19.2 33.4Post-Secondary 6.7 5.8Total Percent I00.0 100.0Number of Women 8867 4213Source; National Population Bureau and Institute for Resource Development/Westinghouse [1988]: Tables I-2, I-3, I-4, 11-2.ResidenceThe distribution of respondents by residence area was as follows: 40 percent urban, 52 percentrural, and 8 percent riverine. This represents a somewhat greater concentration of the population in urbanareas than was found in the 1980 NDSS (32 percent) which suggests a net rural-to-urban migration flowin recent years.

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