Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS


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SUMMARYThe Ondo State Demographic and Health Survey (O<strong>DHS</strong>) was conducted by the Ondo StateMinistry of Health (MOH) as part of the worldwide Demographic and Health Survey programme. Theprimary objective of the survey was to provide information about fertility, family planning, and maternaland child health to the MOH.The O<strong>DHS</strong> was conducted from September 1986 to January 1987 and collected data from arepresentative sample of 4213 women aged 15-49. The overwhelming majority of survey respondents areYoruba (88 percent); 84 percent am Christian; 40 percent live in urban areas, 52 percent in mral areas,and 8 percent in rlverine areas.FertilityFertility in Ondo State is high. The total fertility rate (TFR), which indicates the number ofchildren that a woman would have in her lifetime if she experienced the fertility rates of a particular timeperiod, was 6.0. The TFR was approximately the same in urban and rural areas (5.9 and 6.0). However,it was substantially higher for women with no education (6.7) or a primary education (7.1) than forwomen with a secondary or higher education (5.4).The O<strong>DHS</strong> found evidence of recent declines in fertility. The evidence comes from a comparisonof the lrrt with the average number of children ever born to women who are at the end of theirchildbearing years. The "I'I~R for Ondo State (6.0) was lower by about one child than the number ofchildren ever born to women 40-49 (6.9).Marriage is almost universal among the women of Ondo State, although the median age at firstmarriage is high (20 years for women age 25-49). In addition to the pattern of late marriage, O<strong>DHS</strong> datasuggest recent increases in the age at first marriage. The proportion of women that reported beingmarried by age 20 was lower for women in the age group 20-24 (38 percent) than for women age 25-29(48 percent) or women age 30-34 (60 percent). Polygyny is common; among currently married women,46 percent reported that their husbands had other wives.The women of Ondo State reported relatively long durations of breastfeeding, amenorrhoea andsexual abstinence following the birth of a child. On average, women breasffeed 18 months, areamenorrhoeic 14 months, and practice abstinence for 23 months. The long period of abstinence followinga birth is of particular importance in determining birth intervals for women.Family PlanningForty-eight percent of all women reported having knowledge of a contraceptive method.Knowledge of modem methods was about the same, 47 percent. There are clear differentials inknowledge by area of residence and education; urban women and more educated women have the highestlevels of contraceptive knowledge.Respondents most frequently reported knowledge of the pill (35 percent) and injection (35percent); for the IUD, condom, and female sterilization, about 20 percent of respondents reportedknowledge of each method.Contraceptive prevalence is low in Ondo State. Ever-use was reported by only 15 percent ofwomen, current use by 9 percent. Current users rely primarily on the pill and periodic abstinence (3XV

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