Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS


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SKIP606 For how long should • couple walt ~forehmvlng sexual intercourse after the birthof • baby?MONTHS ............ I~orYEARS ............. 2 LIIIIOTHER(specify)996I607 I Should • •other wait untll •he has completely |stopped bresstfeeding b~fore •tartlng tohave •exuol relations again or doesn'tmatter?iSHOULD WAIT ............. 1DOESN'T MATTER .......... 2608 I Do you think that your husbandlp•rtner Iapproves or disapproves of couples using• method to avoid pregnancy?609 I How often have you talked to your | NEVER ................... 1husband/partner about this subject in the ONCE OR TWICE ........... 2past year?-MORE OFTEN .............. 3IIIIAPPROVES ................ 1DISAPPROVES ............. 2DK ...................... 8610 | In gener•l, do you approve or disapprove | APPROVE ................. lof couples using • method to avoid pregnancy? | DISAPPROVE .............. 2I611 CHECK 204/206:] HAS NO LIVING CHILDREN:If you could choose ex•ctly the numberof children to have in your whole 11fe,how many would that be?] HAS LIVING CHILDREN:If you could go hock to the time you didnot have •ny children •nd could chooseex•ctly the number of children to havein your whole Ills, how •any wouldthat be?NUMBER ............ ' i iRANGE:BetweenOTHER ANSWER:(specify)•ndRECORD SINGLE NUMBER, RANGE or OTHER ANSWER.32134

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