Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS


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SKIP520 kow we need some detmils about your sexual mctlvity in order to get m betterunderstsndlng of contraception end ~ertllity.521 Have you had sexual intercourse in the lastfour weeks?|522 I How many times?523 When was the last time you had sexualintercourse?I YES ..................... 1 |NO ...................... 2 ---~523IINB OF TIMES ....... ; l J iDAYS AGO ......... It i iorWEEKS AGO ........ 2 i K torMONTHS AGO ....... 3 l ~ I-~ ~EC T524CHECK 234:NOT PREGNANT/NOT SURE [ } PREGNANT [ ]JtBEFORE LAST BIRTH ..... 997 -~ 6i sEcI525CHECK 404 AND 4141415:NOT USING ANYCONTRACEPTION [ ]ICURRENTLY USINGANY CONTRACEPTION [ ]tWould you mind If you became pregnant in the i[next few weeks?iSECT) 6IYES ..................... 1 SECTNO ...................... 2 ~ 6526 Vhy is it that you are not using a methodto avoid pregnancy?LACK OF KNOWLEDGEOR LACK OF SOURCE ..... 01OPPOSED TO FP .......... 02PARTNER DISAPPROVES .... 03OTHER PEOPLE DISAPPR...04INFREQUENT SEX ......... e5POSTPARTUM/BF .......... 06MENOPUASE/SUBFECUND .... 07HEALTH CONCERNS ........ 08ACCESS/AVAILABILITY .... 09COSTS TOO MUCH ......... 10FATALISTIC ............. 11RELIGION ............... 12INCONVENIENT TO USE .... 13OTHER ................ 14(specify}DK ..................... 9830132

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