Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS


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SKIP51i IAfter Y°u nrrled (atarttd llvlng t°gether) I| did you and your (llrat) husband/partner | YF_S ..................... I_ I live in the village/town of his parents? I NO ...................... 2512 me MOVED TOI yo. were married (ltarted living together), I VILLAGE/TOWN ........... 1l or did you live there already?I LIVED THEREALREADY ................ 2513 I Yam your mother alive at the time you I /I started living together with your (first) I YeS ..................... lI husband/partner? I NO ...................... 2514 I Was your father alive at the time you II started living together with your (first) I YES ..................... 1I husband/partner? I H0 ...................... 21~Ii .....................I alive at the time you started living together?| NO ...................... 2515 I Was the m°ther °f y°ur (flr't) husband/partner I YESDK ......................B516 I Was the father of your (llrst) husband/partnerl YES ..................... 1l allve at the tile you started living together? l NO ...................... 2DK ...................... 85171 CHECK 513/514/515/516: CIRCLE CODE 2 FOR THOSE Il PARENTS NOT ALIVE AT THE TIME RESPONDENT lI STARTED LIVING WITH (WAS HARRIED TO) (FIRST) II HUsBAND/PARTNER" I YES NO OKI I, THEN ASK FOR THOSE PAREHTS Ha YET CODED: I .OKA.'S .OTHER .... I 2WOMAN'S FATHER .... I 2I Is your motherl/ather still alive? I HUSBAND/PARTNER'Sl AND/OR: , l MOTHER ........... 1 2 8l Is your (first) husband/partner s l HUSBAND/PARTNER'SI .oth~..~h~ still alive? I FATHER ........... 1 2 8518 I In how many localities hlve you lived /or lax II months or more since yOU were first marriedl(stsrted living together), including thls m NUMBER OFm place~ m LOCALITIES ....... L I ,519 I Hive you ever had sexual Intercourse? I YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I SECT 6I INO ...................... 229131

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