Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS


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TABLE 4: IPILL "Women can take • pillevery day."403 Nave youever heard otthis method?YESISPON...XYESIPRBD...2NO ......... 3404 I 405 Where I 406 What isNave I would you go to the mainyou I obtain (METHOD) problem,ever| (if you wanted I if any, withused| to use it?) using it?(METHOD)? (CODES BELOW) (CODES BELOW)IYES..INO...2 _-I~ ~ ~ ,IIUD "Women can have • loop orcoil placed inside them by adoctor or m nurse."YESISPON...IYESIPRBD...2NO ......... 3IYES..!NO...2 --~IINJECTIONS "Women can have •ninjection by a doctor or anurse which stops them frombecoming pregnant for severalmonths."DIAPHRAGM, FOAM, JELLY 'Womencan place a sponge or supositoryor diaphragm or Jelly orcream inside them beforeintercourse."YES/SPON...IYES/PRBD...2NO ......... 3YES/SPON...1YES/PRBD...2NO ......... 3¥ES..INO...2 --~YES..1NO...2 _-I~IT mCONDOM 'Men can use a rubber YES/SPON'''I I ~ Isheath during sexual YES/PRBD...2 YES..1intercourse. " NO ......... 3 NO... 2 ~FEMALE STERILIZATION "W°men can YES/SPON'''I 1 ~ 'have an operation to avoid YES/PRBD...2 YES..Ihaving any more children." NO ......... 3 NO...2 ---)-MALE STERILIZATION "Men canhave an operation to •voidI YES/SPON''''YES/PRBD...21 -7'YES..Ihaving any more children." NO ......... 3 NO...2 _L,, ~ ~PERIODIC ABSTINENCE "Couples canavoid having sexual intercourseon particular days of themonth when the woman is morelikely to become pregnant."iYES/SPON...IYES/PRBD...2NO ......... 3Where would Iyou go toobtain advice?YES..INO...2 _-I~ L s iWITHDRAWAL "Men can be carefuland pull out before climax."YES/SPON...IYES/PRBD...2NO ......... 3IYES..INO...2 ---7IANY OTHER METHODS? "Have youheard of any other ways ormethods including traditionalones that women or sen can useto avoid pregnancy?"( specl fy )YES/SPON...IYES/PRBD...2NO ......... 3CHECK:YES..1NO...2SKIP TO 408 IF NOT ONESINGLE "YES' IN 403.DOCTOR ..... 01GVMT HOSP..02SVMT HCTR..03MOB CLINIC. e4PRIV HOSP..05PHARM/SHOP. 06FIELD WORK.07NOWHERE .... 08OTHER ...... 09DK ......... 98NONE ....... 01ACCESS/AVL. 02COSTS ...... 03NLTH CONC..04NOT EFFIC..05PARTNER DIS-APPROVES...06INCONVEN...07OTHER ...... 08DK ......... 9824

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