Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS


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LTABLE 3.3(ASK @UESTIONS ONLY FOR SURVIVING CHILDREN STARTING WITH NEXT-TO-LAST BIRTH.),xT 0is l SEc0D,0 I *HIR0 R0BIRTH LA5T BIRTH LAST BIRTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ; ; ; . ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ALIVE [ ] ALIVE [ ] ALIVE [ ]DEAD [ ] • DEAD [ ] ~ DEAD [ ]371 Has (NAME) had diarrheain the last 2 weeks?YES .......... INO ........... 2DK ........... ;ISKIP TO NEXTCOL./TABLE 3.4YES .......... lNO ........... 2 lDK ........... ~_~SKIP TO NEXTCOL./TABLE 3.4YES .......... !NO ........... 2 ]DK ........... 8]SKIP TO NEXTCOL./TABLE 3.4NB OF372 How many days did the DAYS .... I i ,diarrhea last (the last time)? DK ........... 98NB OF373 How many stools on the STOOLS..I t ,worst day? DK ........... 98NB OFDAYS .... i , pDK ........... 98NB OFSTOOLS..' ' fDK ........... 98NB OFDAYS .... I ,DK ........... 98NB OFSTOOLS..I z ,DK ........... 98374 When (NAME) had diarrhea(the last time) did you givehls/her more solld/sushy foodto eat, the same amount, orless than usual?MORE ......... 1SAME ......... 2LESS ......... 3NO FOOD ...... 4MORE ......... ISAME ......... 2LESS ......... 3NO FOOD . . . . . . 4MORE ......... 1SAME ......... 2LESS ......... 3NO FOOD ...... 4375 When (NAME) had diarrhea(the last time) did you givehlm/her more liqulds to drink,the same amount, or less thanusual?MORE ......... 1SAME ......... 2LESS ......... 3NO DRINKS .... 4MORE ......... 1SAME ......... 2LESS ......... 3NO DRINKS .... 4MORE .........SAME ......... 2LESS ......... 3NO DRINKS .... 4I376 Did you or anybody elsegive any special foods ordrinks to treat the diarrhea?YES .......... 1NO . . . . .COL./TABLE 3.4YES .......... 1NO ........... 2DK ........... 8SKIP TO NEXTCOL/TABLE 3.4YES .......... 1NO ........... 2 ]DK ........... 8 ]!SKIP TO NEXTCOL./TABLE 3.4377 Whlt was done?CIRCLE CODE I FOR ALLMENTIONEDORS ........... !SSS ........... 1TABLETS, INJECT,SYRUPS ....... lHERBAL REM .... 1PURGATIVE ..... 1TREATEDIN HOSPITAL.. 1OTHER ......... 1ORS ........... ISSS ........... ITABLETS, INJECT,SYRUPS ....... 1HERBAL REM .... !PURGATIVE ..... 1TREATEDIN HOSPITAL.. IOTHER ......... 1ORS ...........SSS ........... 1TABLETS, INJECT,SYRUPS ....... 1HERBAL REM .... IPURGATIVE ..... ITREATEDIN HOSPITAL.. IOTHER ......... II(specify)(apecily)(specl~y)20122

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