Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS


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,ITABLE 3.2(ASK OUESTIONS STARTING WITH NEXT-TO'LAST BIRTH.)21 NEXT-TO-LASTBIRTH31 SECOND FROMLAST BIRTHTHIRD FROMLAST BIRTH361 Did you ever feed (NANE)at the breast?(name)ALIVE [ ]DEAD [ ]YES .......... 1NO ........... 2(nmme)ALIVE [ ]DEAD [ ]YES .......... 1NO ........... 2I(nmme)ALIVE t ]DEAD [ ]YES .......... 1NO ........... 2SKIP < ]TO 364SKIPTO 364SKIPTO 364362 How many months did youbreistfeed (NAME)?MONTHS.. : ~ : MONTHS.. i iMONTHS.. it363 Why did you stopbreastfeeding?CODES: TIME TO WEAN ........CHILD TO0 MEAN/ILL..MOTHER TOO MEAN/ILL.CHILD DIDN'T SUCK..MILK INSUFFICIENT..MOTHER WORKING .....PREGNANT ...........CHILD DIED .........OTHER ..............i II!SPECIFY IF OTHER: SPECIFY IF OTHER: SPECIFY IF OTHER:ALL: SKIP TO 365 ALL: SKIP TO 365 ALL: SKIP TO 365364 Nhy wmm (NAME) neverbremstfed?CODES: CHILD TOO WEAK/ILL..1MOTHER TO0 MEAN/ILL. 2CHILD DIDN'T SUCK...3MILK INSUFFICIENT...4MOTHER WORKING ...... 5CHILD DIED .......... 6OTHER ............... 7I ISPECIFY IF OTHER:ALL: SKIP TO 366! ISPECIFY IF OTHER:ALL: SKIP TO 366i ISPECIFY IF OTHER:ALL: SHIP TO 366365 How old was (NAME) whenyou started giving him/hersolid and/or liquid food?MONTHS.. J i iMONTHS.. iJMONTHS.. tt366 How many months mftsr thebirth of (NAME) did yourperiods return?MONTHS.. i i iNOT RETRND...97MONTHS.. i tNOT RETRND...97MONTHS.. t tNOT RETRND...97367 How many months mfter thebirth of (NAME) did you resumesexual relations?MONTHS.. t J tMONTHS.. :IMONTHS.. *i]9121

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