Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS

Final Report (PDF, 2132K) - Measure DHS


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PREFACEThe Ondo State Demographic and Health Survey (O<strong>DHS</strong>) was conducted in one of the twentyonestates of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The O<strong>DHS</strong> was carded out in all of the seventeen LocalGovernment Areas of the State.The publication of the final report of the O<strong>DHS</strong> has come at a time when the Ondo StateGovernment is contemplating an overhaul of the health and welfare system which serves the riverineareas of the state. I therefore hope that results of the O<strong>DHS</strong> will assist the govemment in makingdecisions. It is also expected that the findings for the riverine population of Ondo State, as presented inthis report, will be of value to other states of the Federation which face the problem of providing healthservices to such population groups.Fieldwork for the Ondo State <strong>DHS</strong> was carried out from September 1986 to January 1987 by theGovernment of Ondo State through the Medical/Preventive Health Division of the Ministry of Health.The survey was jointly financed by the Ondo State Government and the United States Agency forInternational Development (USAID). Technical assistance for the survey was provided by the Institutefor Resource Development, Inc. The Nigeria National Population Bureau (NPB) contributed seniorproject staff for technical support. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Nigeria providedvehicles during the fieldwork phase of the survey.The achievements recorded in this undertaking would not have been possible without the effortsand dedication of many administrative officials of the Federal Ministry of Health and both the Ondo StateMinistries of Health and Finance and Economic Planning with the support of intematinnal agencies. Icommend the efforts of those people and organizations who contributed to the success of the Ondo StateDemographic and Health Survey. I wish to express my gratitude to the following people for their efforts:Dr. Femi Fajewonyomi, former Honourable Commissioner of Health, Ondo State; Mr. OmolorunModupe, Secretary to the Military Government and Head of Service; Dr. H.T. Aladesawe, O<strong>DHS</strong> SurveyDirector and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health, Ondo State; Dr. A. Adetunji, former Principal,School of Health Technology, Ondo State; Mrs. C. Adekunle, Technical Director of O<strong>DHS</strong>, NationalPopulation Bureau, Lagos; Mr. A. Akinyande, O<strong>DHS</strong> Field Supervisor, Ministry of Health, Ondo State;Mrs. J.A. Babalola, O<strong>DHS</strong> Data Processing Supervisor and Health Statistician, Ministry of Health, OndoState; Dr. Ronald Schoenmaeckers, Ms. Anne R. Cross, Mr. Brian Taaffe, Ms. Jeanne Cushing, and Dr.Jeremiah M. Sullivan, <strong>DHS</strong> Programme Staff, Institute for Resource Development; Mr. Irwin Shorr andDr. Christopher Scott, consultants to the <strong>DHS</strong> Programme.Dr. T.A. AdebayoHonourable Commissioner of HealthAkure, Ondo State, Nigeriaxiii

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