EF Fall 07.indd - National Association of Professional Allstate ...

EF Fall 07.indd - National Association of Professional Allstate ... EF Fall 07.indd - National Association of Professional Allstate ...


usinessStepping Stones to Purchasing an AgencyBY PAUL CLARKEIf you’ve decided that the life of anAllstate agent is the life for you, someadvance planning will help you proceedwith a more informed perspective.Whether you are an existing Allstateagent or a new agent, you’re taking a bigstep when you decide to acquire an Allstatebook of business. Not all agenciesare created equal, so it’s critical to choosethe one that best matches your specificcircumstances and vision for your future.Answers to the following questions willserve as stepping stones to your goal ofbecoming an exclusive agent positionedfor success and prosperity:1. What is the book of business worthto me?2. How will I pay for the book ofbusiness?3. Which purchase opportunity isbest?What is the book businessworth to me?Determine the value of a book ofbusiness. Market value isn’t the only requisitemethod for valuation. Every bookdoes not have the same value to everybuyer. You will need to determine howmuch a particular book is worth to you.Example: A small agency with 800policies may appeal to an existing agentlooking to merge because its purchasewill grow the existing agency withoutsignificantly increasing overhead. In thissituation, the agency owner is ‘padding’his income by merging a small book.However, a book of this size is unlikelyto provide more than $20-25K in annualsalary for a first time purchaser — not aviable choice for someone looking for anagency to serve as his or her main sourceof personal income.Now that we have determined that everyonehas a unique perspective when itcomes to the value of a book of business,let’s look at the primary factors that playa key role in the decision-making processwhen making an offer to purchase.Be reasonable when setting your personalsalary. If you have already establisheda career in the insurance businessand are accustomed to living on $80,000a year, don’t expect to suddenly cut backand be able to survive on an annual salaryof $50,000. This kind of drastic lifestylechange is very difficult and probablyunrealistic, be practical about how muchyou will need to live on. The revenuethat remains after you take out overheadexpenses and your salary is what will beavailable to service your debt. Once youhave established what your salary requirementsare, you can begin to determinethe size of book you should buy.Perform an accurate cash flow analysis.An agency produces a stream of renewalincome that must be managed. Toarrive at the true net of the business, youwill need an accurate cash flow analysis.From the seller’s annual commission income,you must have enough cash flowto cover your true overhead expenses,such as rent, utilities and staffing, theloan payment and, of course, your personalsalary. When reviewing the seller’shistorical operating results, it will be necessaryto adjust customary expenses, suchas meals, travel, depreciation, and makenon-customary adjustments, such as subtractingout wages paid to family memberswho do not work in the agency.It is also a good idea to build in a cashflow cushion as your agency will certainlyexperience fluctuations in the amount ofrenewal commissions received. Plus, it isimportant that you understand that theagency you have purchased may not receivean achievement bonus. Borrowing alarge sum of money on a break-even cashflow basis is a very dubious proposition.Determine the price you can affordto pay. Now that you have completed acash flow analysis, factored in a realisticwage for yourself and have included thetrue overhead expenses of the business,you can determine what price you canafford to pay for the book. If the annualnet amount available to service debt is$100,000, you certainly cannot afford a$10,000 monthly loan payment. Talk tolenders who are knowledgeable about Allstateagency financing. If you know youcan get 10-year financing at 9.5%, you canback into a reasonable purchase price.How will I pay for the book?Put yourself in a favorable positionbefore applying for financing. Lendersare impressed by agents who know theirbusiness and are confident about the successof their upcoming acquisition. Beprepared to talk to your lender about thestrong points of your pending transaction.It will also be helpful to presentyourself as a desirable financing candidate.In order to do so:• Check your account history to ensurethat your credit record is as clean aspossible.• Reduce your credit card exposureas much as possible.• Be prepared to provide a detailedexplanation of any delinquencies appearingon your credit report.• Prepare a detailed résumé highlightingyour successes.Find the right lender. The successof your business will depend in part onthe quality of the financing you receive.Look for a seasoned lender that possessesa thorough understanding of theAllstate business and has experiencefunding agency acquisition loans. Selecta lender who can accommodate your financingneeds, and provide a uniquelyqualified management team and highlyexperienced professional staff who arecommitted to helping you succeed bothin the short term and the long run.44 — Exclusivefocus Fall 2007

Additionally, the loan should have afixed interest rate with simple interest andno hidden fees. Securing a lender who canprovide an appropriate loan term is also anecessity during this time of rising bookprices, as books will not cash flow on a5 or 6-year loan term. It’s important tohave your accountant or financial advisorreview your financing offer to ensure thatyou are getting a fair deal.Examine the criteria your lender willconsider when approving a transaction.When you talk with your lender aboutthe rates and terms that are available, youshould know what factors will affect theirdecision. According to industry standards,a good candidate for financing has:• two years of experience in licensedinsurance sales or other significant businessexperience• a credit rating of 650 or higher• a personal financial statementshowing that you maintain a minimalcredit card balance and are current on alltaxes and other loan payments.Take time to outline the specifics ofyour deal.• What is your intended purchaseprice?• Do you plan to put any moneydown?• Do you intend to retain all of thestaff?• Will you be making any changes?• What do you intend to do to ensurea successful transition?After you’ve made your case for loanapproval and supplied the necessary documents,you can anticipate timely feedbackfrom your lender about what they will financetoward your purchase of an agency.Which purchase opportunityis best?Be ready to make an honest appraisalof yourself and the purchase opportunityyou are considering. From a personalperspective, what load can you bearto take on? Remember, you are lookingto improve your quality of life and investin your future. If you are required to takeon multiple locations or a satellite agency,the practical logistics of management maypresent a formidable physical and mentalstrain. Be sure to think realistically aboutyour own temperament and the work thatwill be required to operate your businesssuccessfully. Make sure you will be wellcompensated for your efforts. The lastthing anyone wants to do is work harderfor less money. A win-win situation for allparties involved should be the goal.In your search for the right agency, youare almost certain to find abundant purchaseopportunities. Some of them willappear to be bargains, and you will findreason to reject others. Taking the timefor honest, thorough self-assessment andgathering pertinent information will helpyou sort out the possibilities and establisha clear path to a successful acquisition.This article certainly has onlyscratched the surface of the variables thatcome into play when looking to purchasean Allstate agency. Other factors suchas location, loss ratio, and retention areall very important when buying a book.My goal is to simply give you several keyfactors to consider when evaluating apurchase opportunity, and the importantperspective that all books are not createdequal for all individuals.Paul Clarke is Chief Operating Officer atProfessional Practice Capital. You can reachPaul or his staff at 800.456.2779 or visitthem on the web at www.ppcloan.com.PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE CAPITALFinancing your professional futureFall 2007 Exclusivefocus — 45

usinessStepping Stones to Purchasing an AgencyBY PAUL CLARKEIf you’ve decided that the life <strong>of</strong> an<strong>Allstate</strong> agent is the life for you, someadvance planning will help you proceedwith a more informed perspective.Whether you are an existing <strong>Allstate</strong>agent or a new agent, you’re taking a bigstep when you decide to acquire an <strong>Allstate</strong>book <strong>of</strong> business. Not all agenciesare created equal, so it’s critical to choosethe one that best matches your specificcircumstances and vision for your future.Answers to the following questions willserve as stepping stones to your goal <strong>of</strong>becoming an exclusive agent positionedfor success and prosperity:1. What is the book <strong>of</strong> business worthto me?2. How will I pay for the book <strong>of</strong>business?3. Which purchase opportunity isbest?What is the book businessworth to me?Determine the value <strong>of</strong> a book <strong>of</strong>business. Market value isn’t the only requisitemethod for valuation. Every bookdoes not have the same value to everybuyer. You will need to determine howmuch a particular book is worth to you.Example: A small agency with 800policies may appeal to an existing agentlooking to merge because its purchasewill grow the existing agency withoutsignificantly increasing overhead. In thissituation, the agency owner is ‘padding’his income by merging a small book.However, a book <strong>of</strong> this size is unlikelyto provide more than $20-25K in annualsalary for a first time purchaser — not aviable choice for someone looking for anagency to serve as his or her main source<strong>of</strong> personal income.Now that we have determined that everyonehas a unique perspective when itcomes to the value <strong>of</strong> a book <strong>of</strong> business,let’s look at the primary factors that playa key role in the decision-making processwhen making an <strong>of</strong>fer to purchase.Be reasonable when setting your personalsalary. If you have already establisheda career in the insurance businessand are accustomed to living on $80,000a year, don’t expect to suddenly cut backand be able to survive on an annual salary<strong>of</strong> $50,000. This kind <strong>of</strong> drastic lifestylechange is very difficult and probablyunrealistic, be practical about how muchyou will need to live on. The revenuethat remains after you take out overheadexpenses and your salary is what will beavailable to service your debt. Once youhave established what your salary requirementsare, you can begin to determinethe size <strong>of</strong> book you should buy.Perform an accurate cash flow analysis.An agency produces a stream <strong>of</strong> renewalincome that must be managed. Toarrive at the true net <strong>of</strong> the business, youwill need an accurate cash flow analysis.From the seller’s annual commission income,you must have enough cash flowto cover your true overhead expenses,such as rent, utilities and staffing, theloan payment and, <strong>of</strong> course, your personalsalary. When reviewing the seller’shistorical operating results, it will be necessaryto adjust customary expenses, suchas meals, travel, depreciation, and makenon-customary adjustments, such as subtractingout wages paid to family memberswho do not work in the agency.It is also a good idea to build in a cashflow cushion as your agency will certainlyexperience fluctuations in the amount <strong>of</strong>renewal commissions received. Plus, it isimportant that you understand that theagency you have purchased may not receivean achievement bonus. Borrowing alarge sum <strong>of</strong> money on a break-even cashflow basis is a very dubious proposition.Determine the price you can affordto pay. Now that you have completed acash flow analysis, factored in a realisticwage for yourself and have included thetrue overhead expenses <strong>of</strong> the business,you can determine what price you canafford to pay for the book. If the annualnet amount available to service debt is$100,000, you certainly cannot afford a$10,000 monthly loan payment. Talk tolenders who are knowledgeable about <strong>Allstate</strong>agency financing. If you know youcan get 10-year financing at 9.5%, you canback into a reasonable purchase price.How will I pay for the book?Put yourself in a favorable positionbefore applying for financing. Lendersare impressed by agents who know theirbusiness and are confident about the success<strong>of</strong> their upcoming acquisition. Beprepared to talk to your lender about thestrong points <strong>of</strong> your pending transaction.It will also be helpful to presentyourself as a desirable financing candidate.In order to do so:• Check your account history to ensurethat your credit record is as clean aspossible.• Reduce your credit card exposureas much as possible.• Be prepared to provide a detailedexplanation <strong>of</strong> any delinquencies appearingon your credit report.• Prepare a detailed résumé highlightingyour successes.Find the right lender. The success<strong>of</strong> your business will depend in part onthe quality <strong>of</strong> the financing you receive.Look for a seasoned lender that possessesa thorough understanding <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Allstate</strong> business and has experiencefunding agency acquisition loans. Selecta lender who can accommodate your financingneeds, and provide a uniquelyqualified management team and highlyexperienced pr<strong>of</strong>essional staff who arecommitted to helping you succeed bothin the short term and the long run.44 — Exclusivefocus <strong>Fall</strong> 2007

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