PICA - UC Santa Cruz - Student Housing Services - University of ...

PICA - UC Santa Cruz - Student Housing Services - University of ...

PICA - UC Santa Cruz - Student Housing Services - University of ...


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To sign up for <strong>PICA</strong>:Apply online at studenthousing.ucsc.edufor housing at The Village.On the application, mark that you"Strongly Prefer" involvement in <strong>PICA</strong>.Tell us more about your interest in the<strong>PICA</strong> themed housing option in theadditional comments section <strong>of</strong> theapplication.For more information contact:Bee Vadakan, <strong>PICA</strong> Program Managervvadakan@ucsc.eduVisit the <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>PICA</strong> website at ucscpica.org<strong>PICA</strong> AT THE VILLAGEThe Program in Community and Agroecology<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California, <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Cruz</strong>

<strong>PICA</strong>is a vibrant educational environment in which to study agriculturaland community sustainability. It may be the place for you!The Program in Community andAgroecology (<strong>PICA</strong>) began inthe fall <strong>of</strong> 2002. <strong>PICA</strong> is a living/learning program located at TheVillage in the Lower Quarry.<strong>PICA</strong> students address issues <strong>of</strong>sustainability through a hands-onresidential living experience, turningan old rock quarry into a sustainablegarden. <strong>PICA</strong> students grow organicfood together, implement ecologicallandscaping projects around theirhousing units, and direct a Villagewide composting program. Through<strong>PICA</strong>, students from a variety <strong>of</strong>majors have the opportunity to studyagroecology and apply their academicknowledge to everyday practiceswithin their community.Sustainable Living and Learning<strong>PICA</strong>'s primary academic mission isto engage students with sustainabilitythrough practical experience andthe sharing <strong>of</strong> community basedknowledge. At <strong>PICA</strong> we encouragecreative thinking, independentlearning, and communityinvolvement. We hope to givestudents the opportunity to engagecritically with issues <strong>of</strong> environmentalquality and social justice throughconnections with their food system.By starting with an understanding<strong>of</strong> local communities, we hope toempower students to bring aboutsocial change on a global level.We invite motivated people whoare excited about participatingand collaborating on building asustainable, intentional communityto join us!“We don't accomplish anythingin this world alone...and whateverhappens is the result <strong>of</strong> thewhole tapestry <strong>of</strong> one's life andall the weavings <strong>of</strong> individualthreads from one to anotherthat creates something.”-Sandra Day O'ConnorAn Intentional CommunityBy joining the <strong>PICA</strong> residentialcommunity in The Village, studentschoose to consciously and purposefullywork towards sustainability with agroup <strong>of</strong> people who share similarideals. There is an intention that isconnected to cooperative living, whereeach member <strong>of</strong> the group shares andcontributes to building community.At <strong>PICA</strong>, residents are expectedto engage with their communitythrough some <strong>of</strong> the followingactivities:R Participate in hands-on learningabout community and agroecologythrough the <strong>PICA</strong> Seminar (ENVS91/191F)R Join Saturday work days at theFoundational Roots Garden—anorganic garden dedicated to learningand sustainable food productionR Cook and share in communitymeals with food from the garden andlocal farmers marketsR Apply for local internships orinternational exchanges in agriculturalcommunitiesR Collaborate on projects withother organizations to implementsustainable practices on campus<strong>PICA</strong> residents live on-campus atThe Village in the B-Quad:R Nine single rooms, three bathroomsand a shared kitchenette in each buildingR Large community kitchen withextensive facilitiesR Paid leadership positions withinthe community to <strong>of</strong>fset universityhousing costsR Located near <strong>UC</strong>SC’sinternationally renowned organicfarm and the Center for Agroecologyand Sustainable Food Systems<strong>PICA</strong> students share theirthoughts:“<strong>PICA</strong> provides an atmosphere foreach individual to explore that whichthey feel passionate about…”“<strong>PICA</strong> seeks to help harmonize theVillage with the delicate ecosystem <strong>of</strong>which it is a part. We want to grow asmuch <strong>of</strong> our own food as possible andcreate a viable, creative, consciouseco-community on campus.”“<strong>PICA</strong> involves so manydifferent people with somany different ideas...thereis an abundance <strong>of</strong> knowledgesurrounding us...about plants,animals, food, self, relationships,general well being and health.”

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