Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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20 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>Tears even a small fault' means fears the small faults committed in thecourse <strong>of</strong> training — this is called "fears even a small fault'.And again, there is another teaching: One arouses unskilful states <strong>of</strong>consciousness — this is called slight error. One wishes to dwell far from this'slight error seeing and fearing the retribution there<strong>of</strong>. This is called seeingdanger in 'slight error'.'Trains himself in the precepts in which he should be trained' — What isthe meaning <strong>of</strong> 'should be trained'? It means the seven groups <strong>of</strong> restraint. 1'Trains himself means follows all (as taught above). This is called 'trainshimself (in the precepts) in which he should be trained'. This is called 'virtue<strong>of</strong> the rules-<strong>of</strong>-the-order-restraint'.Q. What is 'virtue <strong>of</strong> purity (<strong>of</strong> livelihood)'? A. It is to be notguilty <strong>of</strong> wrong livelihood. What is wrong livelihood? It is trickery, 2 talkativeness,3 insinuation, 4 detraction, 5 and giving in order to get more. 6What is 'trickery' ? There are three bases <strong>of</strong> 'trickery': —One schemes, and wants to have the four requisites, coarse and different(from the fine requisites <strong>of</strong>fered to one): a certain bhikkhu corrects hisbehaviour, temporarily, advertises himself widely, or harbours evil desires;coveting property, he hands over excellent robes and food (to others), andfor himself wants what is coarse; or, he pretends as if he did not want to get(any); or, he accepts the four requisites simulating compassion for others—thisis called the 'trickery' <strong>of</strong> scheming for requisites."A certain bhikkhu having evil desires and coveting property, simulatesdignified demeanour, and says: 'I have attained to meditation (jhana) 9 andrecites the Discourses wishing to receive <strong>of</strong>ferings — this is called the 'trickery'<strong>of</strong> the postures. 8A certain bhikkhu who is covetous and talkative, declares to others:"I possess the Ariyan Truth and dwell in solitude;" or, "I practise meditation,""My preaching is deep and subtle," "I possess the signs <strong>of</strong> a superman." 9Thus, desiring gain, he extols himself. This is called the 'trickery' (<strong>of</strong> roundabouttalk). 10Talkativeness means one is not genuine, flatters, jests and poses, hopingfor gain. One causes amusement longing to attract gain to oneself. This iscalled talkativeness.What is 'insinuation' ? A bhikkhu preaches the Law to a rich man whosesupport he desires. He longs for benefits and does not endeavour for masteryover his own heart. This is called 'insinuation'.Sattdpattikkhandha: pdrajika, sanghadisesa, thul/accaya, pdcittiya, pdtidesanfya, dukkata,duhbhdsita. 2. Should read kuhand. The ideograph means kosajja. 3. Lapand.The ideograph also means vankatd. 4. Nemittikatd. 5. Nippesikatd. 6. LdbhenaIdbham nijigithsanatd. For 2-6 Cp. Vbh. 352-3. 7. Ndi 224: Paceayapatisevanasarhkhdtarhkuhanavatthu. 8. Ibid: Iriydpathasamkhdtaih kuhanavatthu.These are quite different from the details given at pp. 25-6 in the Vis. Mag. on the samesubject. 10. Nd 1 226: Sdmantajappanasamkhdtam kuhanavatthu.

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