Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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On Distinguishing Virtue 19never sleeps in the first and last watches <strong>of</strong> the night. He is endowed withwisdom and is aware <strong>of</strong> the paucity <strong>of</strong> his wishes. He is not troubled withworldly cares, is <strong>of</strong> energetic mind and deeply honours his companions. Thisis called 'good behaviour'.'Lawful resort' means lawful resort and unlawful resort. What is"unlawful resort' ? "A certain bhikkhu goes to a harlot's abode, a widow'sabode, a virgin's abode, a eunuch's abode, a bhikkuni's abode, to liquorshops; he associates with kings, ministers, heretical monks, evil monks andwith such fellows as have no heart <strong>of</strong> faith, never benefit the four classes andwho are disliked by them (the four classes). This is called 'unlawful resort' ". xThe Buddha has declared: "A bhikkhu transgresses (the precept against)impure unlawful resort. What is 'impure unlawful resort'? It is to go to aharlot's abode". 'Lawful resort' is obvious.And again, there are three kinds <strong>of</strong> 'lawful resort': lawful resort as closereliance, 2 lawful resort as protection, 3 lawful resort as a bond. 4[403] What is 'lawful resort as close reliance'? It is a good friendendowed v/ith the ten meritorious qualities. 5 Owing to these qualities a manhears what he has not heard before and what has been heard is furtherexpounded to him, he destroys doubt, attains to right views and clarity (6fmind); and training himself well in the Law, believes strongly and deeply,and increases in virtue, learning, liberality and wisdom. 6 This is called 'lawfulresort as close reliance'.What is 'lawful resort as protection'? When a certain bhikkhu goes toothers' houses or to the village, he walks looking groundwards and not furtherthan a fathom's distance; his bearing is dignified, calm and orderly; he isreverenced by the people; he does not look at elephant-chariots 01 horsechariots,or at men and women making merry, or at the balcony <strong>of</strong> the palace,or at street-stalls. Thus he does not look up and down in the four directions.This is called 'lawful resort as protection'.What is 'lawful resort as a bond'? It is as the Buddha has said: "Abhikkhu dwells within the precincts <strong>of</strong> his home and land" 7 — this is called'lawful resort as a bond'. These are called 'lawful resort'. Thus 'lawfulresort' is fulfilled. Therefore, it is said, 'endowed with lawful resort'.1. Gocara and agocara. Cp. Vbh. 247: Idh'ekacco vesiydgocavo vd hod, vidhavdgocaw vdthullakuivdrigocaro vd pandakagocaro vd bhikkhunigocaro vd pdndgdragocaro vd, sawsatthoviharati rdjuhi rdjamahdmattehi titthiyehi titthiyasdvakehi ananulomikerta gihisamsaggena,yam vd pana tdni kuldni assaddhdni appasanndni anopdnabhutdni akkosakaparibhdsakdni anaithakdmdni ahitakdmdni aphdsukdmdni ayogakkhemakdmdni bhikkhunambhikkhuninam updsakdnam updsikdnam, tathdrupdni kuldni sevati bhajati payintpdsati:ay am vuccati agocaro.2. Upanissayagocara. 3. Arakkhagocara. 4. Upanibandhagocara.5. Dasakathdvatthugimasamanndgatakaiydnamitta. Cp. A. IV, 357: Puna ca pararii Mcghiyabhikkhu ydyam kathd abhisallekhikd cetovivaranasappdyd, seyyathidarii appicchakathdsantufthikathd pavivekakathd asamsaggakathd viriydmrnbhakathd sllakathd mmddhikathdpaiindkathd vimuttikathd vimuttindnadassanakathd.6. Cp. Vis. Mag. 19.7. Cp. S. V, 148: Ko ca bhikkhave bhikkhuno gocaro sako pettiko visayo yad idam cattdmsatipatthdnd.

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