Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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362 AppendixIn the Dantabhumi Sutta <strong>of</strong> the Majjhima JVikdya, the Blessed one saysthat it is not possible for one who is given to a life <strong>of</strong> pleasure, who indulgeshimself in sensual delights, who is devoured by sensual thoughts, who is consumedwith the fever <strong>of</strong> sensual enjoyment, and who is eager in the pursuit<strong>of</strong> the sensually pleasant, to experience, see, or realise, what has to be experienced,seen, and realised by renunciation <strong>of</strong> sense-desires. 1 Now sense-desiresand the other hindrances to the First jhana are not conducive to the penetration<strong>of</strong> things and seeing them as they are. So, for the development <strong>of</strong> insight(vipassand), the bringing into being <strong>of</strong> the First jhana is indispensable accordingto the Buddha's teaching, that is to say, the words <strong>of</strong> the Buddha in the PaliTexts. 2 There is no doubt that according to the Bodhisatta's words repeatedby the Buddha in conformation, the First jhana is truly the way to enlightenment,and so this jhdra has a specially important place in the Buddha's scheme<strong>of</strong> salvation.1. M. Ill, 129-30: Yan tarn nekkhammena ndtabbam, nekkhammena datthabbam, nekkhammenapattabbarii, nekkhammena sacchikdtabbarh, tarn vala Jayaseno rdjakumdro kdmamajjhevasanto kdme paribhunjanto kdmavitakkehi khajjamdno kdmaparijdhena paridayahamdnokdmapariyesandya ussukko nassati vd dakkhati^ vd sacchi vd karissatiti rtetam thanam vijjati.2. A. V, 1-2: Ekamantam nisinno kho dyasmd Anando Bhagavantam etad avoca 'kimathtiyanibhante kusalani sildni kimdnisamsdnV ti ? 'Avippatisdratthani kho Ananda kusaldni sildniavippatisdrdnisamsdnVti. 'Avippatisdro pana bhante kimatthiyo kimdnisamso' ti? 'Avippatisdrokho Ananda pdnmjjattho pdmujjdnisamso' ti. 'Pdmujjam pana bhante kimatthiyathkimdnisamsan' ti ? 'Pdmujjatn kho Ananda pitattharh pitanisamsan' ti. 'Piti pana bhantekimatthiya kimdnisamsd 9 ii? 'Piti kho Anandapassaddhatthapassaddhanisariisd' ti. Passaddhipana bhante kimatthiya kimdnisamsd" ti ?'Passaddhi kho Ananda sukhattha sukhdnisamsa' ti*"Sukham pana bhante kimatthiyam kimdnisamsan' ti? 'Sukham kho Ananda samddhatthamsamddhanisamsan' ti. 'Samddhi pana bhante kimatthiyo kimdnisamso' ti? 'Samddhi khoAnanda yathabkiitahdnadassanattho yathabhutahdnadassandnisamso" ti. ' Yathabhutahdnddassanampana bhante kimatthiyam kimdnisamsan'' ti ? ' Yathabhutandnadassanarh khoAnanda nibbiddvirdgattham nibbidavirdgdnisamsan > ti? Nibbiddvirdgo pana bhante kimatthiyokimdnisamso'' ti? Nibbiddvirdgo kho Ananda vimuttindnadassanattho vimuttindnadassandnisamso'ti. (= Yathabhutandnadassanattho ti ddisu yathabhutahdnadassanam namatarunavipassand; nibbidd nama balavavipassand; virago nama maggo; vimutti namaarahattaphalam: ndnadassanam nama paccavekkhanandnarh—Mp. V, 1).

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