Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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<strong>Vimuttimagga</strong> 361It should be clear to those who know the Texts that there is no way <strong>of</strong>avoiding the practice <strong>of</strong> serenity and the development <strong>of</strong> at least the Firstjhana, in the antecedent part <strong>of</strong> the Noble <strong>Path</strong> according to the facts mentionedbelow. The Buddha placed the first tetrad <strong>of</strong> the Andpdnasati Sutta,an exercise in serenity, at the very beginning <strong>of</strong> the two main SatipatthanaSuttas; the Patisambhidd passage cited above attributes the abandoning <strong>of</strong>the hindrances by suppression to one who develops nothing less than theFirst jhana; the Buddha does not apply the words, 'having separated himselffrom sense-desires, having separated himself from evil states', namely, fromthe hindrances, to a winner <strong>of</strong> a lower state than the First jhana; and theBuddha has defined Right Concentration, Sammdsamddhi, as the four jhanas,and not anything lower than them. 1No progress in contemplation leading towards the Supramundane <strong>Path</strong>is possible without at least getting the First jhana. The practice <strong>of</strong> insight isunfruitful, ineffective, and obstructed when it is attempted without goingaway from thought-proximity to the sensual plane, kdmabhumi. In onewho has attained the First jhana a proper environment is created internallyfor the intuition <strong>of</strong> the highest as well as for progress in the antecedent part<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Path</strong> that is connected with insight-development.Of the First jhana, from the time <strong>of</strong> coming to which a yogi undergoesthe first great transformation <strong>of</strong> consciousness, it is said that it is the escapefrom sensuality. That escape is due to the factor <strong>of</strong> unification in the jhanabrought about by concentration on what is not connected with sense-desire.With the escape into the consciousness <strong>of</strong> the First jhana the sensuous realmis not in being for the yogi, since attainment <strong>of</strong> this jhana is only possiblewith abandoning the sensuous realm. As the light <strong>of</strong> a lamp is not in beingwhen there is full darkness, so jhana is not in being when sense-desires, whichare contrary to it, are present. As by leaving the hither bank the reaching<strong>of</strong> the thither bank takes place, so by giving up sense-desires the First jhanais reached. The First jhana, owing to its transcension <strong>of</strong> the element <strong>of</strong> thesensuous (kdmadhatu samatikkamanato) and its being opposed to sensuouslust (kdmdrdga patipakkhabhavato), is truly free from sense-desires. In thesense <strong>of</strong> escape from sense-desires this jhana is renunciation according to theVenerable Sariputta Thera's words. This is the escape from sense-desires,namely, renunciation. 2visuddhiyo sampadetabbd ti vutta, tattha silavisuddhi nama suparisuddhampdtimokkhasamvarddi catubbidham silam, tan ca Silaniddese vittharitam eva,cittavisuddhi nama sa upacdrd attha samdpattiyo, td pi cittasisena vutta-Samddhiniddese sabbdkarena vittharitd eva. Tasmd td tattha vittharitanayetfevaveditabbd. Yam pana vuttarh: ditthivisuddhi... Amd pancavisuddhiyo sariran ti tattha namarupanarh ydthavadassanarh ditthivisuddhinama.2. Seen. 1, p. 189.1. Pts.I,41-2; D.IT, 313: Seen. 1 (d),p.229.2. As. 164: Kdmadhatusamatikkamanato hi kdmardgapatipakkhato ca idamjhanam kdmdnameva nissaranam. See n. 1 (b), 310.

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