Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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322 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>Elder Ananda: "At this time, Ananda, the Tathagata does not attend toany sign; he destroys sensation only and dwells developing the concentration<strong>of</strong> signless consciousness. At this time, Ananda, the body <strong>of</strong> the Tathagatais at peace". 1"How does one enter upon it?": A. If that yogin wishes to get theenjoyment <strong>of</strong> Fruition, he enters into a place <strong>of</strong> solitude, views the formationsby way <strong>of</strong> rise and fall and proceeds to adoptive-knowledge. Adoptiveknowledgebrings the enjoyment <strong>of</strong> the Fruition <strong>of</strong> Nibbdna immediately. TheFruition that arises is <strong>of</strong> that meditation, jhana, by which he attains to the<strong>Path</strong>. This is called the enjoyment <strong>of</strong> Fruition."How does one attend?": A. The unconditioned element <strong>of</strong> theSublime is attended to through tranquillity."Through how many conditions is it fulfilled?", "Conditioned by whatdoes it stand?", Through what conditions does one emerge ?: A. The yoginenjoys it through two conditions: the non-attending to all signs and the attendingto the element <strong>of</strong> the signless. 2 Three are the conditions <strong>of</strong> persistence: nonattentionto all signs; attention to the signless element; previous preparation. 3Two are the conditions <strong>of</strong> emergence: attention to all signs and non-attentionto the signless element. 4"Is this enjoyment mundane or supramundane?": A. This enjoymentis supramundane and not mundane.Q. The Non-returner experiences the enjoyment <strong>of</strong> Fruition. Why doesnot adoption develop the <strong>Path</strong> <strong>of</strong> Saintship immediately? A. Because it doesnot reach the vision <strong>of</strong> insight and (that which is present) is <strong>of</strong> little strength.The enjoyment <strong>of</strong> Fruition has ended.THE ENJOYMENT OF THE DISSOLUTION OFPERCEPTION AND SENSATIONQ. What is the enjoyment <strong>of</strong> the dissolution <strong>of</strong> perception and sensation?Who enter upon it ? Through the fulfilment <strong>of</strong> how many kinds <strong>of</strong> strengthis it entered upon ? Through the tranquillizing <strong>of</strong> how many activities is itentered upon? What are the preliminary duties? How is it entered upon?How does it persist? How does the mind emerge from it? Towards whatis the mind inclined ? By how many kinds <strong>of</strong> contact is it experienced ? Whatare the activities aroused at first? What is the difference between a dead man1. D. 11,100: Yasmim Ananda samaye Tathagato sabba-nimittanath amanasikard ekaccanarhvedandnam nirodha animittam ceto-samddhim upasampajja viharati, phdsukato Anandatasmim samaye Tathagatassa kayo hoti.2. M. I, 296: Dve kho, dvuso, paccaya animittaya cetovimuttiya samdpattiya sabbanmittananca amanasikaro animittaya ca dhatuyd manasikaro ti.3. Tbid. 296-97: Tayo kho, dvuso, paccaya animittaya cetovimuttiya fhitiya: sabbanimittananca amanasikaro, animittaya ca dhatuyd manasikaro, pubbe ca abhisankhdro.4. Ibid. 297: Dve kho, dvuso, paccaya animittaya cetovimuttiya vutthandya: sabbanimittananca manasikaro, animittaya ca dhatuyd amanasikaro.

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