Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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312 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>thus and attends to it. This is called the plane <strong>of</strong> volition. 1 And again,there are two planes: the plane <strong>of</strong> the learner and the plane <strong>of</strong> the learningender.Here, the four <strong>Path</strong>s and the three Fruits <strong>of</strong> the recluse are <strong>of</strong> theplane <strong>of</strong> the learner. Arahatship is learning-ender's plane.FACULTIESThere are three supramundane faculties, namely, the faculty which assuresknowledge <strong>of</strong> the unknown, the faculty <strong>of</strong> perfect knowability and the faculty<strong>of</strong> him who has known. Here, the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the Stream-winner's <strong>Path</strong>is called the faculty which assures knowledge <strong>of</strong> the unknown. The knowledge<strong>of</strong> the three (other) <strong>Path</strong>s and <strong>of</strong> the (first) three Fruits is called the faculty<strong>of</strong> perfect knowability. The faculty <strong>of</strong> him who has known belongs to theplane <strong>of</strong> Fruition <strong>of</strong> the Saint. One who knows all dhammas without remainderis possessed <strong>of</strong> the faculty <strong>of</strong> him who has known. 2THE THREE EMANCIPATIONSHere, there are three kinds, namely, the signless emancipation, the unhankeredemancipation and the void emancipation. 3 Here, the absence <strong>of</strong>narh nibbedhabhagiyam samadhim bhavayato 'ti diffhigatanam yeva pahdnam oldrikavasenavuttan V/ veditabbam. Ditthigata hi <strong>of</strong>drikd, niccasahhddayo sukhumd. Tattha: diffhigatanVI diffhi yeva difthigaiam,' guthagatatti, 'muttagatart VI ddini viya. Gantabbabhavatoca ditfhiya gatamattam ev* etan VI '/?! ditthigatam, dvdsafthiditthisu antogadhattadiffhisu gatan VI 'pi ditfhigatam; bahuvacanena iesam difthigatanam. Nibbedhabhagiyamsamddhin 'ti vipassandsampayuttam samadhim—Pts.-a. I, 122).1. Cp. (a) Petaka. 130: Catasso ariyabhumiyo, cattari sdmannaphaldni, tattha yo yathabhutarhpajdndti, esd dassanabhumi.(b) Netti 8: Imdhi dvihi pahhdhi manasikarasampayuttassa yam hdnam uppajjatidassanabhumiyam vd bhavandbhumiyam va, ay am bhavanamayi pannd, par at o ghosd sutamayipannd, paccattasamutfhitd yonisomanasikard cintdmayi pannd, yam parato ca ghosenapaccattasamutthitena ca yonisomanasikarena hdnam uppajjati, ayarh bhavanamayi pannd.Ibid. 14: Tini ca saccani samkhatani nirodhadhammdni: dukkham, samudayo^ maggo.Nirodho asamkhato.Tattha samudayo dvisu bhumisu pahiyyati: dassanabhumiya ca bhavandbhumiya ca.Dassanena tini samyojandni pahiyyanti: sakkdyaditthi, vicikicchd, silabbatapardmdso.bhavandya satta samyojandni pahiyyanti: kdmacchando, bydpado, rupardgo^ arnpardgomdno, uddhaccam, avijjd ca niravasesd.Ibid. 50: Dassanabhumi niyamdvakkantiya padatthanam. bhavandbhumi uttarikdnamphaldnam pattiya padatthanam.2. (a) Ibid 15: Yam pana evarh jdndti: khind me jdti ti idam khaye-ndnam, ndpararhitthattayd ti pajdndti idam anuppade-ndnam.Imdni dve hdndni anndtdvindriyam.Tattha yah ca ahhdtahhassamitindriyam yah ca ahhindriyam, imdni aggaphalamarahattam pdpunantassa nirujjhanti.(b) D. Ill, 219: TiV indriyani. Anahhdtam-hassamitindriyam, ahhindriyam, ahhdtdvindriyam.(== Anahhdta-hassaml f indriyan ti: Ito pubbe na ahhdtam aviditamdhammarh jdnissami ti, patipannassa uppannam indriyam so? dpatti-magga-hdnass*etarh adhivacanam.Ann'indriyan ti ahhdbhutam jdnanabhutam indriyam. S<strong>of</strong>dpatti phaiato pafthayachasu thanesu hdnass' etarh adhivacanam.Ahhdtdv' indriyan ti ahhdtavisu jdnana-kicca-pariyosdna-pattesu dhammesu indriyam.Arahatta-phalass' etarh adhivacanam—Sv. Ill, 1002).3. Pts. II, 35: Tayc? me bhikkhave vimokkhd. Katame tayoi Suhhato vimokkho, animittavimokkho, appanihito vimokkho. (^Agamanam pana duvidham: vipassandgamanammaggdgamanah ca, Tattha magge vipassandgamanam labhliati, phale maggdgamanam*

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