Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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302 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>he arouses the knowledge <strong>of</strong> adoption. 1 Q. What is adoption? A. Thepassing beyond <strong>of</strong> commoner-states, is called adoptive knowledge. . . .*And again, the sowing <strong>of</strong> the seed <strong>of</strong> Nibbdna, is called adoption. It isas has been stated in the Abhidhamma: "The overcoming <strong>of</strong> birth is namedadoption. 2 The victory <strong>of</strong> non-birth is also named adoption". 3 And again,the overcoming <strong>of</strong> the cause <strong>of</strong> birth is adoption. To pass over to non-birthand the signless is named adoption. This is the first turning to Nibbdna.From without, he produces the wisdom <strong>of</strong> procedure. This is the full explanation<strong>of</strong> adoption.The knowledge <strong>of</strong> adoption has ended.By means <strong>of</strong> the knowledge <strong>of</strong> adoption, he knows ill, immediately after.He cuts <strong>of</strong>f origin, and makes cessation manifest. He practises the <strong>Path</strong>,and attains to the <strong>Path</strong>-knowledge <strong>of</strong> Stream-entrance and all accessories <strong>of</strong>enlightenment. At this time the yogin sees the limited, the unconditioned, andthe sublime, through seclusion. He understands the Four Noble Truths inone moment, in one comprehension, not before or after (each other).He understands at once ill, the cutting <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> origin, the realization <strong>of</strong>cessation and the practice <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Path</strong>. Thus he understands. It is taughtin the simile in verse thus:By boat one goes with goods leaving this bank,And cutting the stream, reaches that.SIMILES OF THE BOAT, LAMP, AND SUNIt is like the crossing in the boat. The four actions occur simultaneously,neither before nor after. The man leaves this bank, cuts the stream, carriesthe goods and reaches the further bank. Like the leaving <strong>of</strong> this bank is theknowledge that understands ill; like the cutting <strong>of</strong> the stream is the cutting <strong>of</strong>f<strong>of</strong> the origin; like the arrival at the further bank is the realization <strong>of</strong> cessation;like the carrying <strong>of</strong> the foods is the practising <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Path</strong>. 4Or it is like a lamp which in one moment, neither before nor after, fulfilsfour functions thus: the burning <strong>of</strong> the wick; the dispelling <strong>of</strong> darkness; the1. Gotrabhundna. Cp. Vis. Mag. 673.* This passage is unintelligible.2. Pts. I, 66: 'Jdtim abhibhuyyatltV gotrabhu.3. Cp. Ibid. 67: 'Jdtiya vutthitva ajdtirh pakkhandatitV gotrabhu.4. Vis. Mag. 690-1: (a) Yatha ndvd apubbam acarimam ekakkhane cat tar i kiccani karoti:—orimatirarh pajahati, sotam chindati, bhandam vahati, pdrimam dram appeti, evam evamaggandnam . . . pe . .. nirodham sacchikiriya-abhisamayena abhisameti; ettha pi yathandvd orimatirarh pajahati, evam maggandnam dukkhdrh parijdndti; yatha sotam chindati,evam samudayam pajahati; yatha bhandam vahati, evam sahajdiddi-paccayatdya maggarhbhaveti: yatha pdrimam tirarh appeti y evam pdrimatirabhutam nirodham sacchikaroti tievam upamdsamsandanam veditabbam.

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