Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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The Five Methods 301to impermanence, he fears the cause; attending to ill, he fears birth; attendingto not-self, he fears both cause and birth. Then the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the desirefor release arises. Here the commoner and the learner*[457]This is the full explanation.The knowledge <strong>of</strong> the desire for release has ended.ADAPTIVE KNOWLEDGEPractising the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the desire for release that yogin wishes t<strong>of</strong>ree himself from all action and attain to Nibbdna. Wishing to arouse onlyone sign (?), he arouses knowledge conformable to the Way <strong>of</strong> Escape.Through three ways adaptive knowledge 1 arises. He transcends the formationsthrough three ways: Reviewing the impermanence <strong>of</strong> the five aggregates, heattains to adaptive knowledge. The extinction <strong>of</strong> the five aggregates is permanentNibbdna. Reviewing the ill <strong>of</strong> the five aggregates, he attains to adaptiveknowledge. The extinction <strong>of</strong> the aggregates is blissful Nibbdna. Thus hetranscends the formations. Reviewing not-selfness <strong>of</strong> the five aggregates,he attains to adaptive knowledge. The extinction <strong>of</strong> the aggregates is absoluteNibbdna. He transcends the formations considering them as impermanent,ill and not-self. Q. Through what knowledge does he transcend the formations,and through what knowledge is transcending <strong>of</strong> the formations completed?A. He transcends the formations through adaptive knowledge. The transcending<strong>of</strong> the formations is completed through <strong>Path</strong>-knowledge. Q. What isadaptive knowledge? A. The knowledge which conforms to the four foundations<strong>of</strong> mindfulness, the four right efforts, the four bases <strong>of</strong> supernormalpower, the five faculties, the fi\t powers, the seven enlightenment factors andthe factors <strong>of</strong> the Noble Eightfold <strong>Path</strong>, 2 is called adaptive knowledge. This isthe full explanation <strong>of</strong> adaptive knowledge.Adaptive knowledge has ended.KNOWLEDGE OF ADOPTIONAdaptive knowledge arises from dwelling upon the characteristics <strong>of</strong> theformations immediately after. But when he attends taking Nibbdna as object,^/ pannd sankhdrupekkhdsu ndnam .. .pe... 'updydso bhayarC ti muncitukamyatd patisankhdsantifthand pannd sankhdrupekkhdsu ndnam.* The rest <strong>of</strong> the sentence is unintelligible. Possibly this refers to a passage <strong>of</strong> Pts. T, 60-4.1. Anulomandna.2. Cp. Vis. Mag. 678; Cattaro satipatthand, cattaro sammappadhand cattaro iddhipadd,pancindriyani, pancabaldni, satta bojjhangd, ariyo atthangiko maggo ti hi ime sattatimsadhammd bojjhangatthena bodhi ti laddhamdnassa ariyamaggassa pakkhe bhavatta bodhipakkhiyanama; pakkhe bhavatta ti nama upakarabhave thitatta.While Vis. Mag. calls these bodhipakkhiya, Vim. Mag. calls them anulomandnaSee Preface to Vbh. XIV-XVI, for a discussion on bodhipakkhiya-dhammd.

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