Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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300 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>ing, the five kinds <strong>of</strong> faring-on, the seven stations <strong>of</strong> intelligence, the nineabodes <strong>of</strong> sentience as impermanent, he grasps the idea <strong>of</strong> fear and causes thearising <strong>of</strong> the signless 1 through tranquillity. Attending to ill and fearingbirth, he causes the arising <strong>of</strong> the birth-less 2 through tranquillity. Attendingto not-self, he fears the sign <strong>of</strong> birth and causes the arising <strong>of</strong> the signless andthe birthless through tranquillity. He reviews tribulation and repulsion andobserves conformable patience. 3 This is the explanation in full.The cause <strong>of</strong> the arising <strong>of</strong> fear-know ledge has ended.KNOWLEDGE OF THE DESIRE FOR RELEASEPractising (the knowledge <strong>of</strong>) fear, that yogin produces the knowledge<strong>of</strong> the desire for release. When he fears the sign <strong>of</strong> the aggregates, the knowledge<strong>of</strong> the desire for release arises. When he fears the arising <strong>of</strong> the aggregates,the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the desire for release arises. When he fears the threeplanes <strong>of</strong> becoming, the five kinds <strong>of</strong> faring-on, the seven stations <strong>of</strong> intelligence,and the nine abodes <strong>of</strong> sentience, the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the desire for release arises.It is like a bird hemmed in by a fire desiring to escape it, and like a man surroundedby robbers seeking to get free <strong>of</strong> them. Thus if that yogin fears the cause<strong>of</strong> the aggregates, the coming to be <strong>of</strong> the aggregates, the three planes <strong>of</strong> becoming,the five kinds <strong>of</strong> ill-faring, the seven abodes <strong>of</strong> consciousness and the nineabodes <strong>of</strong> sentience,, the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the desire for release arises. 4 AttendingEvam eva kho bhikkhave upaddniyesu dhammesu assaddnupassino viharato tanhdpavaddhati. Tanhdpaccaya upaddnam ...pe... Evam etassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassasamudayo hoti.1. Animitta. 2. Ajdta.3. Cp. (a) Dh-a II, 207: So there anumodanam karonte ekaggacitto hutvd dhammam sunantosotdpattimaggassa orato anulomikarh khantim nibbattesi, thero pi anumodanamkatvd pakkdmi. Updsakam theram anugantvd nivattamdnam ekd yakkhini dhenuvesenadgantvd ure paharitva mdresi. So kdlam katvd Tusitapure nibbatti. Dhammasabhayamkatharh samuffhdpesum: 'coraghdtako pancapanndsavassani kakkhafakammarhkatvd ajfeva tato mutto ajfeva therassa bhikkham datvd ajfeva kdlakato,kaharh nu kho nibbatto' ti. Sattha dgantvd 'kdya nuttha bhikkhave etarahi kathayasannisinnd"' ti pucchitva, 'imdya namd' ti vutte, 'bhikkhave Tusitapure nihbatto' tiaha. 'Kim bhante vadetha ettakam kdlam ettake manusse ghdtetva Tusitavimdnenibbatto' ti. 'Ama bhikkhave mahanto tena kalydnamitto laddho, so Sdriputtassadhammadesanam sutvd anulomandnam nibbattetva ito cuto Tusitavimdne nibbatto* tivatvd imam gat ham aha:'Subhasitam sunitvana nagare coraghdtakoanulomakhantim laddhana modati tidivam gata 1 ti.(b) Pts. II, 240-41: Pancakkhandhe suhnato passanto anulomikarh khantim patilabhati,'pancannam khandhanam nirodho paramasunham nibbdnarf ti passantosammattaniyamam okkamati.Pancakkhandhe jdtidhammato passanto anulomikarh khantim pafilabhati, 'pancannamkhandhanam nirodho ajdtarh nibbdnarf ti passanto sammattaniyamam okkamati.Pancakkhandhe updydsadhammato passanto anulomikam khantim patilabhati,'pahcannarh khandhanam nirodho anupdydsam nibbdnan 1 ti passanto sammattaniyamamokkamati.4. Cp. Pts. I, 61: 'Uppado bhayarf ti muhcitukamyatd patisankhd santitthand pahhd sarikhdrupekkhdsundnam, 'pavattam bhayarC ti muhcitukamyatd pafisarikhd santitthand

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