Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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296 Vimultimaggasees the arising and the passing away <strong>of</strong> the mind. In the same way, withthe object <strong>of</strong> suffering and the object <strong>of</strong> not-self. Thus he should discernthrough duality.(c) THROUGH UNDERSTANDINGQ. How, through understanding? A. Having discerned the impermanence<strong>of</strong> form, he arouses the mind together with the object <strong>of</strong> impermanence[456] and sees the arising and the passing away <strong>of</strong> the mind. Thusthrough the understanding <strong>of</strong> insight, he sees the breaking up <strong>of</strong> many mindstates.He discerns the impermanence <strong>of</strong> feeling, perception, the formationsand consciousness, and arouses the state <strong>of</strong> mind that conforms to the object<strong>of</strong> impermanence, and sees the arising and the falling away <strong>of</strong> mind-states.Thus he sees again and again the breaking up <strong>of</strong> mind-states. Thus throughunderstanding he sees the breaking up <strong>of</strong> many states. Likewise, he discernsill and not-self. Thus having understood, he grasps breaking up. Thatobject <strong>of</strong> ill and breaking up makes for intentness. Intent on the formationsalways, he attains to well-being every moment. Through this understanding,that yogin, independent <strong>of</strong> another, knows the whole world by itself (andas unenduring) as a poppy seed on the point (<strong>of</strong> an awl), 1 and:that" in everyconcentrated thought-moment there is the change <strong>of</strong> arising, stability anddestruction. 2 :SIMILES OF DRUM-SOUND, TOWN OF G0DS, LiGHTNlNGAt this time the yogin again sees as it is taught in the stanzas thus:Depending on each other do the twocalled name and form, by nature cany on.When one breaks up the other also breaks;together do they always start their course.The five states <strong>of</strong> form, odour and the rest,rise not form eye, and also not from forms;yet are not different from the set <strong>of</strong> two.The states conditioned from a cause arise,like the sound when a drum is struck.The states <strong>of</strong> form, odour and the rest,rise not from ear, and also not from sounds;yet are not different from the set <strong>of</strong> two.The five states <strong>of</strong> form, odour and the rest,rise not from nose and also not from smell;1. Cp. Sn. 625: Vdri pokkharapatte va, dragge-r-iva sdsapo,Yo na lippati kdmesu, tarn aharh brumi brdhmanam.2. Cp. I, 152: Uppado panndyati vayo panndyati thitassa anfiathattam panndyati. Imdnikho bhikhhaye tini sankhatassa sankhatalakkhandni ti.

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