Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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290 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>CONCENTRATION-GRASPQ. What is concentration-grasp? A. Here a yogin wishes to gainconcentration and grasps the sign in each <strong>of</strong> the thirty-eight subjects <strong>of</strong> meditation,with the mind, beginning with the knowledge <strong>of</strong> Right Mindfulness, andthereby chains the mind as one chains an elephant to make it quiet. 1 Thisis called concentration-grasp.INSIGHT-GRASPQ. What is insight-grasp? A. A man, beginning with the wisdom <strong>of</strong>steady viewing, discerns the characteristic <strong>of</strong> intrinsic nature 2 <strong>of</strong> form, feeling,perception, the formations and consciousness. Wishing for and happy inequanimity, he grasps the characteristics. It is like a man who lays hold <strong>of</strong> apoisonous snake. 3 This is called insight-grasp. It is well when a mangrasps by way <strong>of</strong> insight.Q. What is the grasping <strong>of</strong> the characteristics <strong>of</strong> feeling, perception, theformations and consciousness? A. Characteristics <strong>of</strong> form: One graspsthe form-conciousness by way <strong>of</strong> the earth-element, water-element, fire-element,air-element, sense-sphere <strong>of</strong> eye or sense-sphere <strong>of</strong> body. Characteristic <strong>of</strong>feeling: One grasps feeling by way <strong>of</strong> the pleasurable, the painful or the neitherpleasurable nor painful. Characteristics <strong>of</strong> perception: One grasps perceptionby way <strong>of</strong> form-perception or perception <strong>of</strong> states. Characteristics <strong>of</strong> theformations: One grasps the formations through contact, volition, initial application<strong>of</strong> thought, sustained application <strong>of</strong> thought, or deliberation.Characteristics <strong>of</strong> consciousness: One grasps consciousness through eyeconsciousnessor mind-consciousness. One grasps one's particular meditationand produces the sign skilfully. Thus one grasps the characteristics <strong>of</strong>form, feeling, perception, the formations and consciousness.visitva ganhantd ti atttho. Navam navam bhandhnam bruhayanti ti, tatha ganhantd catanhd-ditthi-sankhatam navam navam bandhanam bruhayanti, vada'hayanti. Patantipajjotam zV ddhipdtd, ditthe sute iti K eke nivittha ti, evam tanhd-ditthi-bandhanehi baddhattaeke samana-brdhmand ditthe attand cakkhu-vinhdnena difthi-dassanena vd ditthe anussav*upalabbhamatten' eva ca sute iti hi ekantato evam etan ti nivittha, dittW dbhinivesenasassatan ti ddind abhinivittha, ekanta-hitam vd nissaranarh ajdnantd rdgddihi ekadasahiaggihi dditta-bhava-ttaya-sankhdtath angdra-kdsum yeva ime viya adhipdtd imam pajjotampatanti, na tato sisam ukkhipitum sakkonti ti. — Ud.-a. 355-6.).(b) Vbh.-a. 146: Salabho viya dipasikhdbhinipdtam.1. Th. 1141: Arammane tarn balasd nibandhisam ndgam va thambhamhidalhdya rajjuyd,tarn me suguttam satiya subhavitam anissitamsabbabhavesu hehisi.2. Sabhava lakkhana.3. Asl. 173: Yatha hi purisassa say aril geham pavittham sappam ajapadadandam gahetvapariyesamdnassa tarn thusakotfhake nipannam disvd 'sappo nu kho no tV avalokentassasovatthikattayam disvd nibbemdtikassa 'sappo na sappo tV vicinane majjhattatd hoti evamevamyd draddhavipassakassa vipassandndnena lakkhanattaye ditthe sankhdrdnathaniccabhavddivicinane majjhattatd uppajjatiay am vipassanupekkhd.

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