Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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The Five Methods 285does not accumulate; form accumulates. Name excogitates, knows, considers,is aware; form does not do these. Form walks, leans, sits, lies down, bendsand stretches; name does not do these. Name knows: "I go", "I lean", "I sit","I lie down", "I bend", "I stretch"; form does not know these. Form drinks,eats, chews, tastes; name does not do these. Name knows: "I drink", "I eat","I chew", "I taste"; form does not know these. Form claps the hands, frolics,laughs, cries and talks in many ways; name does not do these. Name knowsthus: "I clap", "I frolic", "I laugh", "I cry", "I talk in such and such a manner";form does not know these. These are the differences between name and form;and that yogin knows name [454] and form thus: "Only name and form arehere; there is no being, there is no soul". Thus he, making it manifest,gets the perception <strong>of</strong> the formations.SUMMARY OF THE TRUTH OF ILLNow, this is a summary <strong>of</strong> the whole Truth <strong>of</strong> 111: One, causing to ariseknowledge <strong>of</strong> pure views, according to reality, discerns name and form. Allthese should be known as descriptive <strong>of</strong> the Truth <strong>of</strong> 111. That yogin, havingmade manifest the Truth <strong>of</strong> 111, considers the idea <strong>of</strong> a being. 1 Thereafterhe should attend to the cause and condition <strong>of</strong> 111.CAUSE AND CONDITION OF ILLQ. What are the cause and condition <strong>of</strong> ill?A. That yogin knows thus: This ill has birth for cause and condition;birth has becoming for cause and condition; becoming has clinging for causeand condition; clinging has craving for cause and condition; craving hasfeeling for cause and condition; feeling has contact for cause and condition;contact has the six sense-spheres for cause and condition; the six sense-sphereshave name-form for cause and condition; name-form has consciousnessfor cause and condition; consciousness has the formations for cause andcondition; the formations have ignorance for cause and condition. Thusdepending on ignorance there are the formations; depending on the formationsthere is consciousness; depending on birth there are decay, death, andgrief. Thus all the aggregates <strong>of</strong> ill arise. Thus that yogin introspects thelinks <strong>of</strong> conditioned arising at length,THE PURITY OF TRANSCENDING UNCERTAINTYNow, this is the summary:Depending on feeling there arises craving.(b) Abkv. 1220-21: namarh nissaya rupan tu, rupam nissaya namakampavattati sadd sabbath, pancavokara-bhumiyam;imassa pana atthassa, dvibhavattham eva cajaccandha-pifhasappinam, vattabbd upamd idha.1. Cp. Vis. Mag. 597: Evarh ndndnayehi namarupam vavatthapayato sattasannarh abhibhavitvaasammohabhumiyam thitarh namarupanam ydthavadassanarh Diffhivisuddhi tiveditabbam. namariipavavatthanan tipi sankhdraparicchedo tipi ekass' eva adhivacanam.

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