Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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278 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>All merit <strong>of</strong> the three planes belong to the Truth <strong>of</strong> 111 or the Truth <strong>of</strong>Origin. Because <strong>of</strong> the characteristics <strong>of</strong> despair, misery, the put togetherand the limited, there is the Truth <strong>of</strong> 111. Because <strong>of</strong> the characteristics <strong>of</strong>accumulation, cause and condition, clinging and combination, the Truth <strong>of</strong>Origin is fulfilled. Thus should these be understood through enumeration.THROUGH SAMENESSQ. How, through sameness? A. These Four Truths are one throughfour ways: through the meaning <strong>of</strong> truth; the meaning <strong>of</strong> thus-isness; themeaning <strong>of</strong> doctrine; and the meaning <strong>of</strong> the void. Thus these should beknown through sameness. 1THROUGH DIFFERENCEQ. How, through difference? A. There are two truths: mundane andsupramundane truth. 2 Mundane truth is canker, fetter, tangle, flood, yoke,hindrance, contact, clinging, defilement. 3 It is called ill and origin. Supramundanetruth is without canker, without fetter, without tangle, withoutflood, without yoke, without hindrance, without contact, without clinging,without defilement. It is Cessation and the <strong>Path</strong>. Three Truths are conditioned.The truth <strong>of</strong> Cessation is unconditioned. 4 Three Truths are without*form. The Truth <strong>of</strong> 111 is with and without form. 5 The Truth <strong>of</strong> Origin isunskilful. The Truth <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Path</strong> is skilful. The Truth <strong>of</strong> Cessation is indeterminate.The Truth <strong>of</strong> 111 is skilful, unskilful and indeterminate. 6 The Truth<strong>of</strong> 111 enables to understand; the Truth <strong>of</strong> Origin enables to remove; the Truth<strong>of</strong> Cessation enables to attain; and the Truth <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Path</strong> enables to practise. 7Thus should these be known through difference.1. Cp. (a) D* III, 273: It' ime dasa dhammd bhiitd tacchd tatha avitatha anannatha sammdTathagatena abhisambuddha. (=Bhutd ti sabhavato vijjamdnd. Tacchd tiyathavd. Tatha ti yatha vutta tatha sabhavd. Avitatha ti yatha vutta na tathana honti. Anannatha ti vutta-ppakarato na ahhatha—Sv. Ill, 1057).(b) S. V, 430-31: Cattarimdni bhikkhave tathani avithatani anahhathani. Katamdnicattari? Idarh dukkhan ti bhikkhave tatham etam avitatham etam ananhatathametam. Ay am dukkhasamudayo ti tatham etam . . . ay am dukkhanirodho ti tathametam . . . Ayarh dukkhanirodhagdmini patipadd ti tatham etam avitatham etamanahhatham etam. (=* Sabhava-vijahan' atthena tatham. Dukkham hi dukkhameva vuttarh sabhavassa amoghatdya avitatham. Na dukkham adukkham namahoti. Ahfia-sabhavdnupagamena anahhatham. Na hi dukkham samudayadisabhavamupagacchati. Samudayadisu pi es 1 eva nayo ti—Spk. Ill, 298).2. Vbh. 116: Dve sacca lokiya; dve sacca lokuttard.3. Vbh. 12; Dhs. par. 584-85: Sabbam rupam . . . lokiyam sdsavam samyojaniyam ganthaniyamoghaniyam yoganiyam nivaraniyam pardmattham upaddniyarh sankilesikam.4. Vbh. 116: Tint sacca samkhatd; nirodhasaccam asamkhatam.* Should read 'with*. Perhaps an error (see n. 5 below).5. Vbh. 116: Tini sacca rupa; dukkasaccam siya rupam siya arupam.6. Ibid. 112: Samudayasaccam akusalam; maggasaccamkusalam; nirodhasaccam avydkatamdukkhasaccam siya kusalam siya akusalam siya avydkatam.7. Seen, 1 (a) p. 274,

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