Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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276 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>SIMILES OF THE POISONOUS TREE,THE SHIP, THE BURDENQ. How, through analogy? A. Ill should be regarded as a poisonoustree; origin, as a seed; cessation, as the parching <strong>of</strong> the seed; the <strong>Path</strong> as fire.One should regard ill as this shore <strong>of</strong> fear; origin, as the flood; cessation,as the other shore that is free from suffering and fear; and the <strong>Path</strong>, as the shipthat sails well. 1[453] One should regard ill as the carrying <strong>of</strong> a burden; origin, as thetaking on <strong>of</strong> the burden; cessation, as the laying down <strong>of</strong> the burden; and the<strong>Path</strong>, as the method <strong>of</strong> laying down the burden. Thus should these be knownthrough analogy. 2THROUGH DISCRIMINATIONQ. How, through discrimination? A. There are four kinds in truth:Speech that is true, knowledge, absolute truth and Ariyan Truth. Here, aman speaks true words and not words that are untrue — this is called speechthat is true. Investigation <strong>of</strong> falsehood — this is knowledge. Nibbdna isabsolute truth. The truth practised by the Saint is Ariyan Truth. Here,Ariyan Truth should be realized. Thus should these be known throughdiscrimination.vipassand ca, dve dhammd sacchikdtabbd vijjd ca vimutti cd ti.Tattha samatharh bhavento rupam parijdndti. Rupam parijdnanto tanharhpajahati. Tanharh pajahanto rdgavirdgd cetovimuttirh sacchikaroti. Vipassanarhbhavento namam parijdndti. namam parijdnanto avijjam pajahati. Avijjarhpajahanto avijjdvirdgd pahndvimuttim sacchikaroti.Yadd bhikkhuno dve dhammd parihhdtd bhavanti naman ca ritpah ca, tatha'ssadukkhadhammd pahind bhavanti avijjd ca bhavatanhd ca. Dve dhammd bhavitdbhavanti samatho ca vipassand ca. Dve dhammd sacchikdtabbd bhavanti vijjdca vimutti ca.1. (a) S. IV, 174-5: Atha kho so bhikkhave tassa purisassa evam assa. Ayarh kho mahdudakannavo orimantiram sdsankam sappatibhayam pdrimantiram khemarh appa\ibhayamnatthi ca ndvd santdrani uttarasetu vd apardpdramgamandya. Yam nundharh tinakaffhasdkhd'paldsamsankaddhitva kullam bandhitva tarn kullarh nissaya hatthehi ca padehi cavdyamamdno sotthind pdrarh gaccheyyanti.Mahd udakannavo ti kho bhikkhave catunnam oghdnam adhivacanam, kdmoghassabhavoghassa diffhoghassa avijjoghassa.Orimantiram sdsankam sappafibhayan ti kho bhikkhave sakkdyassetam adhivacanam.Pdrimantiram khemam appatibhayan ti kho bhikkhave nibbdnassetarh adhivacanam.Kullan ti kho bhikkhave ariyassetam afthangikassa maggassa adhivacanam^ seyyathidarhsammddifthiya. . . pe . . . sammdsamddhissa.Hatthehi ca padehi ca vdydmo ti kho bhikkhave viriyarambhassetarh adhivacanam.Tinno pdrangato thale titthati brdhmano ti kho bhikkhave arahato etarh adhi"vacanan ti.(b) Sn. 321:Yatha pi ndvam da]ham druhitvaphiyert arittena samangibhuto,so tdraye tattha bahu pi annetatf updyahhu kusalo mutimd.2. Cp. (a) M. I s 139-40: Kathah ca bhikkhave bhikkhu ariyo pannaddhajo pannabharo visamyuttohoti? Idha bhikkhave bhikkhuno asmimdno pahino hoti ucchinnamulo tdlavatthukatoanabhavakato dyatim anuppadadhammo. Evam kho bhikkhave bhikkhuariyo pannaddhajo pannabharo visamyutto hoti.

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