Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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272 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>the craving for pleasure. The craving for existence arises together the withview <strong>of</strong> eternalism. 1 The craving for annihilation arises together with the view<strong>of</strong> nihilism. 2 Thus should the Noble Truth <strong>of</strong> the Origin <strong>of</strong> ill be known. 3TRUTH OF THE CESSATION OF ILLQ. What is the Noble Truth <strong>of</strong> the Cessation <strong>of</strong> 111?A. "The utter fading away and cessation <strong>of</strong> that very craving, leaving it,giving it up, the being delivered from, the doing away with it". 4 Thus shouldbe known the Noble Truth <strong>of</strong> the Cessation <strong>of</strong> 111. Q. No. This is alsothe ending <strong>of</strong> the origin, because the Blessed One has said: "The cause <strong>of</strong>ill is destroyed". A. The cause <strong>of</strong> ill is destroyed. Therefore the state<strong>of</strong> not coming to birth and <strong>of</strong> not perishing is accomplished. It correspondsto realization. Therefore the Blessed One taught: "The ending <strong>of</strong> theorigin is the ending <strong>of</strong> ill".TRUTH OF THE PATH LEADING TO CESSATION OF ILLQ. What is the <strong>Path</strong> leading to the Cessation <strong>of</strong> 111? A. It is theNoble Eightfold <strong>Path</strong> <strong>of</strong> Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, RightAction, Right Livelihood, Right Exertion, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration.Right View is the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the Four Truths. Right Thoughtmeans the three meritorious thoughts. Right Speech is the separation fromthe four wrong (verbal) actions. Right Action is separation from the threewrong actions. Right livelihood is separation from wrong livelihood. Right1. Sassataditthi.2. Ucchedadhiffhi.3. S. V, 421; Vin. I, 10: Vbh. 101-3; D. II, 308-10: Kataman ca bhikkhave duhkhasamudayamariya-saccam ? Ydyam tanhd ponobhavikd nandi-rdga-sahagata tatra tatrdbhinandinUseyyathidam kdma-tanhd bhava-tanhd vibhava-tanhd.Sd kho part esd bhikkhave tanhd kattha uppajjamdnd uppajjati, kattha nivisamdndnivisati ? Yam loke piya-rupam sdta-rupam, ettYC esd tanhd uppajjamdnd uppajjati^ etthanivisamdnd nivisati.Kind loke piya-rupam sdta-rupam ? Cakkhum loke piya-rupam sdta-rupam . . . pe . . .Sotam loke . . . Ghdnarh loke ... Jivhd loke. . . Kayo loke . . . Mano loke ...rupa loke . .. pe .. .Cakkhu-viMdnam loke... pe...Cakkhu-samphasso loke... pe...Cakkhu-samphassajd vedand loke... pe...Rupa-sahfid loke... pe...Rupa-sancetand loke... pe...Rupa-tanhd loke... pe...Rupa-vitakko loke... pe...Rupa-vicdro loke... pe...Dhamma-vicdro loke piya-rupam sdta-rupam etth 9 esd tanhd uppajjamdnd uppajjati,ettha nivisamdnd nivisati. Idarh vuccati bhikkhave dukkha-samudayam ariya-saccam.4. Ibid. 310-11: Kataman ca bhikkhave dukkha-nirodham ariya-saccam? Yo tassa yevatanhdya asesa-virdga-nirodho cdgo pafinissaggo mutti andlayo ... Idam vuccati bhikkhavedukkha-nirodham ariya-saccam.

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