Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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266 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>form, <strong>of</strong> the six-sphered-sense, <strong>of</strong> contact, <strong>of</strong> feeling and through birth anddecay-and-death <strong>of</strong> the result-sign <strong>of</strong> the present being grasped. Through thegrasping <strong>of</strong> craving, clinging and through the defilement-sign <strong>of</strong> the presentbeing grasped. Through the grasping <strong>of</strong> becoming the present formations aregrasped through the action-sign. Through the grasping <strong>of</strong> birth, decay anddeath, future consciousness, name-form, the six-sphered-sense, contact, feelingare grasped. These twenty-four states become twenty.It is according to the teaching in the Abhidhamma: "In the previous/camma-becoming, delusion is ignorance, effort is the formations, desire iscraving, grasping is clinging, volition is becoming. Thus these five states <strong>of</strong>the previous /camma-becoming are causes <strong>of</strong> the present rebirth. From thematurity <strong>of</strong> the sense-organs, here, delusion is ignorance; effort is the formations;desire is craving; grasping is clinging; volition is becoming. Thus thesefive states, here in fcamMa-becoming are causes <strong>of</strong> rebirth in the future. Here,rebirth is consciousness; descent is name-form; sensory organism is senseorgan;the being touched is touch; the being felt is feeling. Thus these fivestates, here, in rebirth-becoming are cause <strong>of</strong> kamma already done. Thusone should know through twenty ways". 1How, through wheel? Ignorance conditions the formations; the formationscondition consciousness; thus birth conditions decay and death. Thusthe whole aggregate <strong>of</strong> ill arises. Therefore all constitute the aggregate <strong>of</strong>ill. Not knowing is called ignorance. Ignorance conditions the formations.Thus should it be known by way <strong>of</strong> the wheel.DIRECT AND REVERSE ORDERHow, through order? Order is <strong>of</strong> two kinds. They are, the one whichbegins from ignorance and the one which begins from decay and death. Questionedas to that which begins from ignorance, one should answer in the directorder; and questioned as to that which begins from decay and death, the answershould be in the reverse order.And again, that which begins from ignorance is fixed; one can see the wayto the future. That which begins with decay is the end; one can see the wayto the past. Thus one should know through order.1. Pts. I, 52: Purimakammabhavasmim moho avijjd, dyuhand sahkhdrd, nikanti tanhd,upagamanam upaddnam^ cetand bhavo; ime panca dhammd purimakammabhavasmim idhapatisandhiya paccaya . . . Idha paripakkatta dyatandnam moho avijjd, dyuhand sankhdrd,nikanti tanhd, upagamanam upaddnam^ cetand bhavo; ime panca dhammd idhakammabhavasmithdyatim patisandhiya paccaya. Ayatim patisandhi vinndnam, okkanti namarupamy pasado dyatanam, phuftho phasso, vedayitam vedand; ime panca dhammd dyatimupapattibhavasmim idha katassa kammassa paccaya. hi ime catusaiikhepe tayo addhevisatiya dkarehi tisandhim paticcasamuppadam jdndti passati ahhdti pativijjhati. Tanhdtatthena Mnam, pajdnanatthena pahnd; tena vuccati—'Paccaya pariggahe pahnddhammatthitindnatti.

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