Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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260 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>form means the mental properties which arise together with the continuity<strong>of</strong> mind and the embryo (kalala). Six-sphered-sense means the six internalsense-spheres. Contact means the six groups <strong>of</strong> contact. Feeling meansthe six groups <strong>of</strong> feeling. Craving means the six groups <strong>of</strong> craving. Clingingmeans the four clingings. Becoming means sense-plane becoming, formplanebecoming and formless-plane becoming where kamma works. Rebirthmeans the arising <strong>of</strong> the aggregates in becoming. Decay means the maturing<strong>of</strong> the aggregates. Death means the destruction <strong>of</strong> the aggregates.FORMATIONSQ. How do the formations arise, conditioned by ignorance? How dodecay and death arise, conditioned by rebirth? A. The five clinging groupsarise for the uninstructed commoner, because <strong>of</strong> his ignorance <strong>of</strong> the FourTruths. In the long night (<strong>of</strong> ignorance), he clings to self and goods thinking:"These are my goods, this is my self". Thus he enjoys and clings to enjoyment.The thought <strong>of</strong> becoming brings about reconception. In that thought <strong>of</strong>becoming there is no knowledge. He clings to becoming because he desiresit. 1SIMILE OF THE SEEDSIt is like seeds placed in a fertile field. If consciousness is extinguished,becoming is extinguished. This is the meaning <strong>of</strong> conditioned by ignorancethe formations arise. Mental formations, conditioned by ignorance, enterthe course <strong>of</strong> becoming, and integrate. Becoming proceeds; thus it iscontinued. Consciousness does not separate from mind in becoming.Therefore, conditoned by the formations, consciousness arises.SIMILE OF THE SUNAs without the sun, there is in the world neither light nor any increase<strong>of</strong> it, so without consciousness, name-form dees not take shape and thereis no growth <strong>of</strong> it.SIMILE OF THE TWO BUNDLES OF REEDSAs (in the simile <strong>of</strong> the bundles <strong>of</strong>) reeds depending on each other, soconditioned by consciousness, name-form arises. Conditioned by the (internal)sense-spheres, the other mental qualities arise together. 2 The development1. S. II, 94: Yah ca kho etarh bhikkhave vuccati cittath iti pi mano iti pi vinndnam iti pitatrdssutavd puthujjano ndlam nibbinditum ndlam virajjitum ndlam vimuccitum.Tarn kissa hetu? Digharattam hetam bhikkhave assutavato puthujjanassa ajjhositammamdyitam pardmattham etam mama eso hamasmi eso me atta ti.Tasmd tatrdssutavd puthujjano ndlam nibbinditwh ndlam virajjitum ndlam vimuccitum.2. S. II, 114: Seyyathapi dvuso dve na]akaldpiyo ahhamahnam nissaya tittheyyum, evameva kho dvuso namarupapaccaya vinndnam vinndnapaccaya namarupam, namarupapaccayasafdyatanam, safdyatanapaccaya phasso...

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