Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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The Five Methods 255THROUGHLIMITSQ. How, through limits? A. Eye and ear do not reach the object.Nose, tongue and body reach the object. Mind is together with object. Thereis another teaching: Ear reaches the object, because if there is an obstructionnearby one does not hear sounds, as when a spell is wrought. And again,there is another teaching: Eye by itself reaches the object, because one cannotsee the reverse side <strong>of</strong> a wall. Thus should one know through limits.THROUGH CONDITIONQ. How, through condition? A. Depending on eye, material object,light and attention, eye-consciousness arises. Here, to the arising <strong>of</strong> eyeconsciousness,the eye is in the fourfold relation <strong>of</strong> pre-nascence-condition,support-condition, faculty-condition, presence-condition. 1 (To eye-consciousness)material object is in the threefold relation <strong>of</strong> post-nascence-condition,object-condition, presence-condition. Light is in the threefold relation <strong>of</strong>pre-nascence-condition, support-condition and presence-condition. Attentionis in the tw<strong>of</strong>old relation <strong>of</strong> continuity-condition and absence-condition.Depending on ear, sound, ear-cavity and attention, ear-consciousnessarises. Thus should one know through the distinguishing <strong>of</strong> condition.Depending on nose, smell, air and attention, nose-consciousness arises. Dependingon tongue, taste, water and attention, tongue-consciousness arises.Depending on body, touch and attention, bodily consciousness arises. Dependingon mind, ideas, life-continuum and attention, mind-consciousness arises.Here, mind is. . .* ideas are the object <strong>of</strong> states. There are four kinds inthis: Past, present and future <strong>of</strong> six internal sense-organs comprise the firstrpast, future and present <strong>of</strong> five external sense-objects, excepting non-sense-organfaculty, comprise the second. The third is the sense-object <strong>of</strong> ideas. Thereare eleven things viz., being, direction, season, ... * comprise the fourth.**These are called the object <strong>of</strong> states.Concentration is intentness <strong>of</strong> mind on object. It is like light. Attentionis mind-door-adverting. Consciousness is apperception. Here, to mindconsciousness,mind is in the relation <strong>of</strong> support-condition. Ideas are in therelation <strong>of</strong> object-condition. Life-continuum is in the relation <strong>of</strong> supportcondition.Attention is in the tw<strong>of</strong>old relation <strong>of</strong> continuity-condition andpresence-condition. Thus should it be understood through condition.Q. How, through the arising <strong>of</strong> distinctive thought ? A. Three kindsare fulfilled at the eye-door. They are the objects <strong>of</strong> very great intensity,great intensity and slight intensity. 2 Of these, those <strong>of</strong> very great intensity1. In rendering the paccayas, here and elsewhere, in this translation, we have generallyfollowed Venerable Nyanatiloka Maha Thera's "Paticcasamuppada".* Unintelligible** The meaning is not clear.2. Cp. Compendium <strong>of</strong> Philosophy, 127.

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