Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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The Five Methods 245non-reacting. 1 Here one material quality is visible and reacting, that is,material sense-object, because it can be seen and touched. Eleven materialqualities are invisible and reacting. They are gross matter except materialsense-object, because they cannot be seen but can be touched. Eighteenmaterial qualities are invisible and non-reacting. All other subtle matteris invisible and non-reacting.FOUR KINDS OF MATERIAL QUALITIES• Again, all material qualities are <strong>of</strong> four kinds, by way <strong>of</strong> intrinsicnature <strong>of</strong> matter, material form, material characteristics and delimitation <strong>of</strong>matter. Here nineteen material qualities are intrinsic. They are the twelvegross material qualities, femininity, masculinity, life-principle, element <strong>of</strong>water, solid food, material basis and material quality <strong>of</strong> eye, because theylimit (?). Seven material qualities are material form. They are body-intimation,speech-intimation, buoyancy <strong>of</strong> matter, impressibility <strong>of</strong> matter,workability <strong>of</strong> matter, integration <strong>of</strong> matter, continuity <strong>of</strong> matter and intrinsicnature <strong>of</strong> matter, because they change. Three material qualities are materialcharacteristics. They are birth <strong>of</strong> matter, decay <strong>of</strong> matter and impermanency<strong>of</strong> matter, because they are conditioned. One material quality is delimitation<strong>of</strong> matter. It is space-element, because it defines the groups. Here, throughintrinsic nature one discriminates, not through the others. Thus one shouldunderstand through diversity.MATERIAL QUALITIES BY WAY OF UNITYQ. How, through unity? A. All material qualities are one, as being not acondition, as not being non-conditioned, as being dissociated from condition,causally related, put-together, worldly, cankerous, binding, fettering, as beingwith flood, yoke, hindrance, as being infected, as being with faring-on, passion,as being indeterminate, objectless, non-mental, dissociated from mind, asnot arising together with pleasure, as not arising together with pain, as arisingtogether with non-pain and non-pleasure, as neither group nor non-group,as neither learning nor non-learning, as neither broken by views nor brokenby concentration. Thus one should know the character <strong>of</strong> matter throughunity. This is called the aggregate <strong>of</strong> matter.. D. Ill, 217: Tividhena rupa-samgaho. Sanidassana-sappatigham ruparh, anidassanasappatighamruparii, anidassana-appafigham rupam (=SanidassarC ddisu attanam drabbhapavaitena cakkhuvihhdna-sankhdtena saha nidassanen dti sanidassanam. Cakkhu-patihananasamatthatosaha-patighend ti sappatigham. Tarn atthato rap*dyatanam eva. Cakkhu-vinndnasankhdtamndssa nidassanan ti anidassanam. S<strong>of</strong> ddi-patihananasamatthato saha-patighendti sappatigham. Tarn atthato cakkhdyatanari* ddini nava dyatandni. Vuttappakararh ndssanidassanan ti anidassanam. Ndssa patigho ti appatigham. Tarn atthato thapetva das'* dyatandniavasesam sukhuma-rupam—Sv. Ill, 997).

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