Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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The Five Methods 241derived from the four primaries? A. Depending on one another, the fourprimaries are produced. Though the four derived material qualities areproduced in dependence on the four primaries, the four primaries do notdepend on the derived material qualities and the material qualities derivedfrom the four primaries are not interdependent.SIMILE OF THE THREE STICKSThe four primaries should be known as three sticks which stand supportingone another. The material qualities derived from the four primaries shouldbe known as the shadow cast by the three sticks, which support each other.This is the difference between them. Here the yogin knows that all thesethirty material qualities are <strong>of</strong> five kinds by way <strong>of</strong> arising, group, birth,diversity, unity.MATERIAL QUALITIES BY WAY OF ARISINGQ. How, by way <strong>of</strong> arising? A. Nine material qualities arise owingto the cause-condition <strong>of</strong> kamma. They are the sense-organs <strong>of</strong> eye, ear,nose, tongue and body, femininity, masculinity, life-principle, and the basis <strong>of</strong>the material element. Two material qualities arise owing to the cause-condition<strong>of</strong> consciousness. They are body-intimation and speech-intimation.One material quality arises owing to the cause-condition <strong>of</strong> the caloric orderand consciousness. It is the auditory sense-object. Four material qualitiesarise owing to the cause-condition <strong>of</strong> caloricity, consciousness and nutriment.They are buoyancy <strong>of</strong> matter, impressibility <strong>of</strong> matter, adaptibility <strong>of</strong> matterand the material quality <strong>of</strong> torpor. Twelve material qualities arise owing t<strong>of</strong>our cause-conditions. They are material sense-object, olfactory senseobject,gustatory sense-object, space-element, integration <strong>of</strong> matter, continuity<strong>of</strong> matter, birth <strong>of</strong> matter, solid food and the four elements.Of two material qualities, namely decay <strong>of</strong> matter and impermanency <strong>of</strong>matter, there is no arising. And again, decay depends on birth; and dependingon decay, there is impermanency. Thus one should know the character <strong>of</strong>these by way <strong>of</strong> arising.MATERIAL QUALITIES BY WAY OF GROUPQ. How, by way <strong>of</strong> group? 1 A. Nine groups are produced by kamma.Nine groups are produced by consciousness. Six groups are produced bycaloric order. Three groups are produced by nutriment.Q. What are the nine groups produced by kamma? A. They are theeye-decad, ear-decad, nose-decad, tongue-decad, body-decad femininity-decad,masculinity-decad, basis-decad, life-ennead. 21. Kaldpa.2. Cakkhu-dasaka-, sota-dasaka-, ghana-dasaka-, kdya~dasaka- 9 itthindriya-dasaka-, purisindriya-dasaka-,dyatana-dasaka-kaldpa (possibly for hadayavatthu); jivita-navaka-kaldpa.

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