Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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240 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>sense-organ <strong>of</strong> tongue. And again, the sensory matter that is two-fingerbreadths in size, is in shape like a blue lotus, 1 is located in the flesh <strong>of</strong> thetongue, is a product <strong>of</strong> the four primaries, is wrought according to past kamma,and in which the primary <strong>of</strong> water is in excess, is called the sense-organ <strong>of</strong>tongue.SENSE-ORGAN OF BODYWhat is the sense-organ <strong>of</strong> body? By this tangibles are known. By theimpact <strong>of</strong> tangibles on this, tactual consciousness is aroused. This is calledsense-organ <strong>of</strong> body. And again, it is the sensory matter that is in the entirebody, excepting the hair <strong>of</strong> the body and <strong>of</strong> the head, nails, teeth and otherinsensitive parts, is produced by the four primaries, according to past kamma,and in which the primary <strong>of</strong> earth is in excess. This is called the sense-organ<strong>of</strong> body. Material sense-object is the reaction <strong>of</strong> visible objects, auditorysense-object is the reaction <strong>of</strong> sound, olfactory sense-object is the reaction <strong>of</strong>odour, gustatory sense-object is the reaction <strong>of</strong> flavour. Femininity is thecharacteristic <strong>of</strong> female nature; masculinity is the characteristic <strong>of</strong> malenature; that which preserves the body wrought by kamma, is called lifeprinciple;body intimation means bodily activities; speech intimation meansverbal activities; what delimits matter is called the element <strong>of</strong> space. Buoyancy<strong>of</strong> matter means, the lightness-characteristic <strong>of</strong> material nature; impressibility<strong>of</strong> matter means, the plasticity-characteristic <strong>of</strong> material nature; adaptibility<strong>of</strong> matter means, the workability-characteristic <strong>of</strong> material nature; thesethree are the characteristics <strong>of</strong> non-sluggishness in material nature; theaccumulation <strong>of</strong> these sense-organs is called the integration <strong>of</strong> matter. Thisintegration <strong>of</strong> matter is called the continuity <strong>of</strong> matter. The arising <strong>of</strong>material objects is the coming to birth <strong>of</strong> matter; the maturing <strong>of</strong> materialobjects is the decay <strong>of</strong> matter; matter decays—this is called the impermanency<strong>of</strong> matter. That, by which beings get nutritive essence, is called solid food.The growth which is dependent on the primaries and the element <strong>of</strong> consciousness,is called the sense-organ <strong>of</strong> the material element. All primaries arecharacterized by the material quality <strong>of</strong> torpor. These twenty-six materialqualities and the four primaries make up thirty kinds <strong>of</strong> matter. 2DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE FOUR PRIMARIESAND DERIVED MATTERQ. What is the difference between the four primaries and the matter1. (a) Uppala. Cp. J. V, 37: Nila-ratta-set-uppala, ratta-seta-paduma, seta-kumuda, kallahdra—Theseven kinds <strong>of</strong> lotuses. See P.T.S. Diet.(b) Abhmv. 66: Sdyatiti jivha; jiviatm avhdyatiti vd jivhd; sd sasambhara-jivhdmajjhassaupari uppala-dalagga-santhane padese yathavuttappakard hutvd titthati.2. According to Abhmv. 71, there are twenty-eight only — verse 695:—Bhutd rupani cattari, upadd catuvisatiaffhavlsati rupani, sabbdrt eva bhavanti hi.

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