Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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Subjects <strong>of</strong> Meditation 235regard to the analysis <strong>of</strong> the Law is analysis <strong>of</strong> interpretation.in regard to knowledge is analysis <strong>of</strong> argument. 1KnowledgeEIGHTH GROUP OF FOUR IN WISDOMAnd again, the knowledge <strong>of</strong> ill and cessation is analysis <strong>of</strong> meaning.The knowledge <strong>of</strong> the origin <strong>of</strong> ill and the <strong>Path</strong> is called analysis <strong>of</strong> the Law.Etymological interpretation <strong>of</strong> the Law is called analysis <strong>of</strong> interpretation.Knowledge in regard to knowledge is called analysis <strong>of</strong> argument. 2NINTH GROUP OF FOUR IN WISDOMAnd again, knowledge <strong>of</strong> the Law, namely, the discourses, mixed verseand prose, expositions, verse, solemn utterances, sayings, birth-stories, supernormalphenomena, divisions according to matter* is called analysis <strong>of</strong> theLaw. One knows the meaning <strong>of</strong> what is spoken: "This is the meaning<strong>of</strong> what is spoken". This is called analysis <strong>of</strong> meaning. Knowledge <strong>of</strong> themeaning <strong>of</strong> what has been preached is called the analysis <strong>of</strong> interpretation.Knowledge in regard to knowledge is called analysis <strong>of</strong> argument. 3TENTH GROUP OF FOUR IN WISDOMAnd again, knowledge in respect <strong>of</strong> the eye is called analysis <strong>of</strong> the Law.Eye-knowledge in respect <strong>of</strong> views is called analysis <strong>of</strong> meaning. Knowledgein interpreting what has been preached is called analysis <strong>of</strong> interpretation.Knowledge in regard to knowledge is called analysis <strong>of</strong> argument. 4ELEVENTH GROUP OF FOUR IN WISDOMAnd again, there are four kinds <strong>of</strong> knowledge, namely, knowledge <strong>of</strong> ill,1. Vbh. 293: Hetumhi hdnam dhammapatisambhidd. Hetuphale hdnam atthapatisambhidd.Tatra dhammaniruttabhildpe hdnam niruttipatisambhidd. Ndnesu hdnam patibhanapatisambhidd.2. Ibid: Dukkhe hdnam atthapatisambhidd. Dukkhasamudayehdnam dhammapatisambhidd.Dukkhanirodhe hdnam atthapatisambhidd. Dukkhanirodhagdminiya patipaddya hdnamdhammapatisambhidd. Tatra dhammaniruttabhildpe hdnam niruttipatsambhidd. Ndnesuhdnam patibhanapatisambhidd.* Sutta, geyya, veyydkarana, gdtha, uddna, itivuttaka, jdtakd, abbhutadhamma vepulla (vedalla)—transliteration.3. Vbh. 294: Idha bhikkhu dhammam jdndti suttam gey yam veyydkaranam gdtham uddnamitivuttakam jdtakam abbhutadhammarii vedallam: ay am vuccati dhammapatisambhidd.So tassa tass' eva bhasitassa attharh jdndti: ay am imassa bhasitassa attho, ay am imassabhasitassa attho ti: ayam vuccati atthapatisambhidd. Tatra dhammaniruttabhildpehdnam niruttipatisambhidd. Ndnesu hdnam patibhanapatisambhidd.4. Vbh. 296: Yasmim samaye akusalam cittam uppannam hoti somanassasahagatam ditthigatasampayuttam,ruparammanam vd . . .pe. . . dhammdrammanam vd yam yam vdpan' drabbha, tasmim samaye phasso hoti .. .pe . . .avikkhepo hoti: ime dhammdakusald. Imesu dhammesu hdnam dhammapatisambhidd. Tesam vipdke hdnam atthapatisambhidd.Ydya niruttiya tesam dhammdnam pahhatti hoti, tatra dhammaniruttabhildpehdnam niruttipatisambhidd. Yena hdnena tani hdndni jdndti: imdni hdndni idamatthajotakdniti, ndnesu hdnam patibhanapatisambhidd.

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