Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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Subjects <strong>of</strong> Meditation 233the wisdom <strong>of</strong> the unfettered. Here, meritorious wisdom <strong>of</strong> the sensuouselement which is neither characterizable nor non-characterizable is wisdom<strong>of</strong> the sensuous element. Meritorious wisdom <strong>of</strong> the form element which isneither characterizable nor non-characterizable is called wisdom <strong>of</strong> the formelement. Meritorious wisdom <strong>of</strong> the formless element which is neither characterizablenor non-characterizable is called wisdom <strong>of</strong> the formless element.Wisdom <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Path</strong>s and the Fruits is called unfettered wisdom. 1THIRD GROUP OF FOUR IN WISDOMAnd again, there are four kinds in wisdom, namely, knowledge <strong>of</strong> theLaw, knowledge <strong>of</strong> succession, knowledge <strong>of</strong> discrimination, and generalknowledge. The wisdom <strong>of</strong> the Four <strong>Path</strong>s and the Four Fruits is called knowledge<strong>of</strong> the Law. That yogin knows the past, the future and the presentthrough knowledge <strong>of</strong> the Law, and through this also he knows the distantpast and the distant future. The knowledge <strong>of</strong> the (four) truths is knowledge<strong>of</strong> succession. The knowledge <strong>of</strong> others' minds is called the knowledge <strong>of</strong>discrimination. The kinds <strong>of</strong> knowledge that are other than these three arecalled general knowledge. 2FOURTH GROUP OF FOUR IN WISDOMAnd again there are four kinds in wisdom, namely, wisdom which isdue to combination and not due to non-combination; wisdom which is dueto non-combination and not to combination; wisdom which is due to combinationand also to non-combination; wisdom which is due to neither combiidarhvuccati kammassakatam ndnarh. Jhapetva saccanulomikam ndnarh sabbd pi sdsavdkusald pannd kammassakatam ndnarh.Tattha katamam saccanulomikam ndnarh ? Ruparh aniccan ti vd vedand anicca ti vdsahhd anicca ti vd sankhdrd anicca ti vd viMdnam aniccan ti vd yd evarupa anulomikdkhanti ditthi ruci muti pekkhd dhammanijjhanakhanti: idarh vuccati saccanulomikamndnarh.Catusu maggesu pannd maggasamamgissa ndnarh.Catusu phalesu pannd phalasamamgissa ndnarh.Maggasamamgissa ndnarh dukkhe /?' etarh ndnarh . . . dukkhanirodhagdminiya pafipaddya/?' etarh ndnarh.1. Vbh. 329: Kdmdvacarakusaldvydkate pannd kdmdvacard pahha. rupavacarakusaldvydkatepannd riipdvacard pannd. Arupavacarakusaldvydkate pannd arupavacard pannd.Catusu maggesu ca catusu phalesu pannd apariyapannd pannd.2. D. Ill, 226: Cattari hdndni. Dhamme ndnarh, anvaye ndnarh, paricce ndnarh sammutindnarh.( — Dhamme-ndnam ti eka-pativedha-vasena catu-sacca-dhamme ndnarh. Catusacc*abbhantare nirodha-dhamme ndnan ca. YatK aha: "Tattha katamam dhammendnarh? Catusu maggesu, catusu phalesu ndnarii". Anvaye-hdnan ti cattari saccanipaccavekkhato disvd yatha iddni, evarh atite pi andgate pi: Ime va pahcakkhandha dukkhasaccarh,ay am eva tanhd-samadaya-saccam, ay am eva nirodho nirodha-saccam, ay ameva maggo magga-saccan ti, evarh tassa fidnassa anugatiyam ndnarh. Ten* aha: "Soimind dhammena hdnena difthena pattena viditena pariyogdlhena atitandgatena yam neti" ti.Paricce-ndnan tiparesam citta-paricchede ndnarh. YatK aha: "Tattha katamam pariccerldnam? Idha bhikkhu para-sattanam para-puggaldnam cetasd ceto-paricca pajdndti" tivittharetabbarh. Thapetva pana imdni tini hdndni avasesam sammuti-ndnarh nama. Yathdha:"Tattha katamam sammuti-ndnarh? Thapetva dhamme-ndnam, thapetva anvaye 9ndnarh, thapetva paricce-ndnarh avasesam sammuti-ndnan ti. —Sv. Ill, 1019-20).

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