Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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Subjects <strong>of</strong> Meditation 227internal-object, external-object and internal-external-object. 1 From divinesight four kinds <strong>of</strong> knowledge are produced. The knowledge <strong>of</strong> the future, 2the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the kamma sprung from each self, the knowledge <strong>of</strong> thepassing away <strong>of</strong> beings according to their deeds and the knowledge <strong>of</strong> kammaresult.Here, through the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the future, he knows the arising <strong>of</strong>the form <strong>of</strong> the future. 3 Through the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the kamma sprung fromeach self, he knows the kamma which others make. By that kamma he knowsthat such and such a man will go to such and such a world. 4 Through theknowledge <strong>of</strong> the passing away <strong>of</strong> beings according to their deeds, he seesthe world in which beings will appear, and he knows that such and such aman will be born in such and such a world through such and such a kamma. 5Through the knowledge <strong>of</strong> the kamma-result, he knows the time <strong>of</strong> arrivalhere; he knows the state he will reach here; he knows the defilement whichcauses the arrival here; he knows the means <strong>of</strong> arrival here; he knows thatsuch and such a kamma will mature; he knows that such and such a kammawill not mature; he knows that such and such a kamma will result in much;and he knows that such and such a kamma will result in little. 6Here the hearer who acquires freedom sees a thousand world-systems.The Silent Buddha sees more than that, and there is no limit to the vision<strong>of</strong> the Tathagata.Divine sight has ended.%1. Cp. Vis. Mag: 434: Dibbacakkhundnam paritta-paccuppanna-ajjhatta~bahiddharammanavasenacatiisu arammanesu pavattati. The fifth, ajjhattabahiddha-drammana, is not inVis. Mag.2. Andgatamsandna, Kammasakatahdna (Svamayakammandna), Yathakammupagandna,Kammavipdkandna, Vis. Mag. mentions only the first and the third.3. D. Ill, 75-6: Asiti-vassa-sahassayukesu bhikkhave manussesu Metteyyo nama Bhagavdloke uppajjissati araham Sammd-Sambuddho vijjd-carna-sampanno ... So aneka-sahassarhbhikkhu-samgham pariharissati, seyyatha pi 'ham etarahi aneka-satam bhikkhu-samghamparihardmi.Athti kho bhikkhave Sarhkho nama rdjd yen'assa yilpo rahnd Mahd-Panddena kardpito,tarn yupam ussapetva ajjhdvasitva daditva vissajjetva samana-brdhmana-kapaniddhikavanibbaka-ydcakdnamddnam datvd Metteyyassa Bhagavato arahato Sammd-Sambuddhassasantike kesa-massum ohdretva kdsdydni vatthani acchddetva agdrasmd anagdriyampabbajissati. So evarh pabbajito samdno eko vupakattho appamatto dtdpi pahitattoviharanto na cirass' eva yass' atthaya kula-putta sammad eva agdrasmd anagdriyampabbajanti, tad anuttaram brahmacariyam pariyosdnam ditthe va dhamme sayam abhihhdsacchikatvd upasampajja viharissati.4. D. I, 83: So dibbena cakkhund visuddhena atikkanta-mdnusakena satte passati cavamdneupapajjamdne, hine panite suvanne dubbanne sugate duggate yatha-kammupage sattepajdndti.5. D. Ill, 111-12: Idha bhante ekacco Samano va Brdhmano vd dtappam anvdya padhanamanvdya... pe . .. tatha-rupam ceto-samddhim phusati yatha samdhite citte dibbena cakkhundvisuddhena atikkanta-mdnusakena satte passati cavamdne upapajjamdne hine panite suvannedubbanne sugate duggate yatha-kammupage satte pajdndti:Ime vata bhonto satta kdyaduccaritenasamanndgata vaci-duccaritena samanndgata mano-duccaritena samanndgataariyanam upavddakd micchd-ditthikd micchd-ditthi-kamma-samdddnd, te kdyassa bheddparam maraud apdyam duggatim vinipdtam nirayam uppannd. Ime vd pana bhonto sattakdya-sucaritena samanndgata vaci... pe ... mano-sucaritena samanndgata ariyanamanupavddakd samnw-ditthikd sammd-ditthi-kammd-samdddnd, te kdyassa bhedd parammar and sugatim saggam lokam uppannd ti".6. Dh-a, III, 65-6: Te 'attK eso updyo' ti sabbe ekacchandd hutvd yam kind katvd tarnmdressamd ti attano upatthake samddapetva kahdpanasahassam labhitva purisaghdtakammamkatvd carante core pakkosdpetva, 'Mahdmoggalldnatthero nama Kdlasildyam vasati,

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