Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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Subjects <strong>of</strong> Meditation 215"Being many, he becomes one": Desiring to change from many to one,he resloves through knowledge thus: "May I change from many to one!",like Cullapanthaka, the Consummate One. 1"He becomes visible or invisible. He goes across a wall; he goes acrossa barrier; he goes across a hill; he goes unimpeded as if in space": Thatyogin, having practised on the space kasina enters the fourth meditation, jhana,and rising therefrom peacefully, goes across a wall, goes across a barrier,goes across a hill. In going along, he resolves through knowledge thus:"Let there be space!". Having attained to space, that yogin, in space, goesacross a wall, goes across a barrier, goes across a hill. He goes unimpededas if in space.What is the meaning <strong>of</strong> "He becomes visible" ? It means "opens". Whatis the meaning <strong>of</strong> "He becomes invisible"? It means "not open". Thatyogin causes to open what is not open, and he goes across a wall; he goesacross a barrier; he goes across a hill. What is the meaning <strong>of</strong> "He goesunimpeded"? "He can sink into the earth and come out <strong>of</strong> it as if in water".That yogin practises on the water kasina and enters the fourth meditation,jhana. Rising therefrom peacefully, he marks <strong>of</strong>f a part <strong>of</strong> the earth, andresolves through knowledge: "Let there be water!". That yogin can sink Intothe earth and come out <strong>of</strong> it as if in water. 2Without obstruction "he can walk on water as if on earth". That yoginpractises on the earth kasina and enters the fourth meditation, jhana. Risingtherefrom peacefully, he marks <strong>of</strong>f a part <strong>of</strong> water and resolves through knowledgethus: "Let there be earth!". Having produced earth, that yogin isable to move on water without difficulty as if on land.1. Cp. (a) A. I, 24: Etad aggam bhikkhave mama sdvakdnam bhikkhunam manomayamkdyarh abhinimminantanarii yadidam Cullapanthako (==» So hdnaparipdkamdgamma tattha khayavayam patfhapetva cintesi: idarh c<strong>of</strong>akhandam pakatiyapandaram parisuddharh upadinnakasariram nissaya kilittham jdiarh, cittam pievamgatikam evd ti. Samddhim bhavetva cattari rupavacarajjhandni padakdnikatvd saha patisambhiddhi arahattam pdpuni. So manomayahdnaldbhi hutvdeko hutvd bahudha, bahudha hutvd eko bhavitum samattho ahosi.—Mp. I, 216).(b) Pts. IT, 207: 'Eko pi hutvd bhudha hotitV. Pakatiya eko bahulam dvajjati,satarh vd sahassarh vd satasahassarh vd dvajjati; dvajjitva hdnena adhitthati 'bahulohomitV, bahulo hoti. Yathayasmd Cullapanthako eko pi hutvd bahudha hoti,evamevarh so iddhimd cetovasippatto eko pi hutvd bahudha hoti.'Bahudha pi hutvd eko hotitV. Pakatiya bahulo ekarh dvajjati; dvajjitva hdnenaadhitthati 'eko homiti\ eko hoti. Yathayasmd Cullapanthako bahudha pi hutvdeko hoti, evamevarh so iddhimd cetovasippatto bahudha pi hutvd eko hoti.2. Pts. II, 207-8: 'Avibhavan* ti. Kenaci andvatam hoti appaticchannam vivatam pakafam.'Tirobhavarf ti. Kenaci dvatarh hoti paticchannam pihitarh patikujjitam.'Tirokuddam tiropdkararh tiropabbatam asajjamdno gacchati, seyyathapi dkdse* ti.Pakatiya dkdsakasinasamdpattiya Idbhi hoti, tirokuddam tiropdkararh tiropabbatamdvajjati; dvajjitva ndnena adhitthati 'dkdso hotuti\ dkdso hoti. So tirokuddam tiropdkararhtiropabbatam dvajjamdno gacchati. Yatha manussa pakatiya aniddhimanto kenaci andvateaparikkhitte asajjamdnd gacchanti, evamevam so iddhimd cetovasippatto tirokuddamtiropdkararh tiropabbatam asajjamdno gacchati, seyyathapi dkdse.'<strong>Path</strong>aviya pi ummujjanimujjam karoti, seyyathapi udake VI. Pakatiya dpokasinasamdpattiyaIdbhi hoti, pathavim dvajjati; dvajjitva hdnena adhitthati 'udakam hotutV,udakarh hoti. So pathaviya ummujjanimujjam karoti. Yatha manussa pakatiya aniddhimantoudake ummujjanimujjam karonti evamevam so iddhimd cetovasippatto pathaviyaummujjanimujjam karoti, seyyathapi udake.

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