Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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Subjects <strong>of</strong> Meditation 211Q. What is the supernormal power <strong>of</strong> the Noble Ones? A. Hereif a bhikkhu wishes to dwell perceiving non-repugnance in the repugnant,he could dwell perceiving non-repugnance. Here if a bhikkhu wishes todwell perceiving repugnance in the non-repugnant, he could dwell perceivingrepugnance. Here if a bhikkhu wishes to dwell perceiving non-repugnancein the non-repugnant and in the repugnant, he could dwell perceiving nonrepugnance.Here if a bhikkhu wishes to dwell perceiving repugnance inthe repugnant and in the non-repugnant, he could dwell perceiving repugnance.Q. How does one dwell perceiving repugnance in the non-repugnant ? A. Onefills the non-repugnant with the thought that is impure or regards it as impermanent.Q. How does one dwell perceiving non-repugnance in the repugnantand in the non-repugnant? A. One diffuses the repugnant andthe non-repugnant with thoughts <strong>of</strong> loving-kindness and regards them aselements. Q. How does one dwell perceiving repugnance in the nonrepugnantand in the repugnant? A. One fills the non-repugnant and therepugnant with the thought that they are impure or regards them as impermanent.Q. How does one dwell indifferent, conscious and knowingseparate from the non-repugnant and the repugnant? A. Here a bhikkhu,seeing a form with the eye is not delighted, is not anxious, dwells indifferent,aware, knowing. It is the same as to the (objects appearing at) the otherdoors. This is called the supernormal power <strong>of</strong> the Noble Ones. 1 Q. Whatis the supernormal power born <strong>of</strong> kamma-result ? A. All deities, all birds,some men, some born in states <strong>of</strong> suffering, perform the supernormal power<strong>of</strong> traversing the sky. This is called the supernormal power born <strong>of</strong> kammaresult.2 Q. What is the supernormal power <strong>of</strong> the meritorious? A. It isas in the case <strong>of</strong> a wheel-king; <strong>of</strong> Jotika, the rich householder; <strong>of</strong> Jatila, the1. Pts. II, 212-13: Katamd ariya iddhi! Idha bhikkhu sace dkankhati 'Patikkule apatikkulasahhivihareyyart ti, apatikkulasahhi tattha viharati; sacce dkankhati 'Apatikkule patikkfdasannivihareyyart ti, patikkulasahhi tattha viharati; sace dkankhati'Patikkule ca apatikkuleca apatikkiilasanni vihareyyan > ti, apatikkiilasanni tattha viharati; sace dkankhati *'Apatikkuleca patikkule ca patikkulasahhi vihareyyan 1 ti, patikkulasahhi tattha viharati; sacedkankhati 'Patikkule ca apatikkule ca tadubhayam abhinivajjetva upekkhako vihareyyamsato sampajdno 9 ti, upekkhako tattha viharati sato sampajdno.Katham patikkule apatikkiilasanni viharati! Anitthasmim vatthusmirh mettaya vdpharati, dhatuto vd upasamharati. Evarh patikkule apatikkiilasanni viharati.Katham apatikkule patikkulasahhi viharati! Itthasmim vatthusmirh asubhaya vdpharati, aniccato vd upasamharati. Evam apatikkule patikkulasahhi viharati.Katham patikkule ca apatikkule ca apatikkulasahhi viharati! Anitthasmim ca ittthasmimca vatthusmim mettaya vd pharati, dhatuto vd upasamharati. Evam patikkule caapatikkule ca apatikkulasahhi viharati.Katham apatikkule ca patikkule ca patikkulasahhi viharati! Itthasmim ca anitthasmimca vatthusmim asubhaya vd pharati, aniccato vd upasamharati. Evam apatikkule capatikkule ca patikkulasahhi viharati.Katham patikkule ca apatikkule ca tadubhayam abhinivajjetva upekkhako viharatisato sampajdno! Idha bhikkhu cakkhund rupam disvd N' eva sumano hoti na dummano,upekkhako viharati sato sampajdno; sotena saddam sutvd, ghdnena gandham ghdyitva,jivhdya rasarh sdyitva, kdyena photthabbam phusitva, manasd dhammam vihhdya rtevasumano hoti na dummano, upekkhako viharati sato sampajdno. Evam patikkule ca apatikkuleca tadubhayam abhinivajjetva upekkhako viharati sato sampajdno. Ayam ariyaiddhi.2. Ibid 213: Katamd kammavipdkajd iddhi! Sabbesam pakkhinam, sabbesam devdnam,ekaccanam manussanam, ekaccanam vinipdtikdnam. Ayam kammavipdkajd iddhi.

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