Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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202 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>and two sho? Then, if mixed with water, it will become six sho and five go. 2Matured by fire, it is caused to roll by the wind". Thus one should determinethe body through "powder".Q. How should one determine the body through "non-separation"?A. The earth-element is held together by water; is matured by fire; is supportedby air. Thus the three elements are united. The element <strong>of</strong> waterrests on earth; is matured by fire; is supported by air. Thus the three elementsare held together. The element <strong>of</strong> fire rests on the earth; is held togetherby water; is supported by air. Thus the three elements are matured. Theelement <strong>of</strong> air rests on earth; is held together by water; is matured by fire.Thus the three elements are supported. The three elements rest on earth.Held together by water, the three elements do not disperse. Matured byfire, the three elements are odourless. Supported by air, the three elementsroll on, and dwelling together, they do not scatter. Thus the four elementsin mutual dependence dwell and do not separate. Thus one determinesthe elements through non-separation.Q. How should one determine the elements through "condition"?A. Four causes and four conditions produce the elements. What are thefour? They are kamma, consciousness, season and nutriment. What iskammal The four elements that are produced from kamma fulfil two conditions,namely, the producing-condition 3 and fcaMMa-condition. 4 The otherelements fulfil the decisive-support-condition. 5 Consciousness:- The fourelements that are produced from consciousness fulfil six conditions, namely,producing-condition, co-nascence-condition, 6 support-condition, 7 nutrimentcondition,8 faculty-condition, & presence-condition. 10 The other elements fulfilcondition, 11 support-condition and presence-condition.In the consciousness at the moment <strong>of</strong> entry into the womb, corporealityfulfils seven conditions, namely, co-nascence-condition, mutuality-condition, 12support-condition, nutriment-condition, faculty-condition, result-condition, 13presence-condition.The consciousness <strong>of</strong> the birth-to-be fulfils three conditions in regardto the pre-born body, namely, post-nascence-condition, 14 support-conditionand presence-condition. The four primaries that are produced from seasonfulfil two conditions, namely, producing-condition and presence-condition.The other elements fulfil two conditions, namely, support-condition andpresence-condition. Nutriment:- The four primaries that are producedfrom food fulfil three conditions, namely, producing-condition, nutrimentconditionand presence-condition. The other elements fulfil two conditions,1. 1 koku=10sho.2. 10 go=l sho=1.588 quart, 0.48 standard gallon, 1.804 litres.3. Janaka-paccaya. 4. Kamma-paccaya. 5. Upanissaya-paccaya.6. Saha-jdta-paccaya. 7. Nissaya-paccaya. 8. Ahdra-paccaya.9. Indriya-paccaya. 10. Atthi-paccaya. 11. Paccaya.12. Anna-manna-paccaya. 13. Vipdka-paccaya. 14. Pacchd-jdta-paccaya.

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