Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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19 6 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>to consider the blue-green, yellow (or other) colour kasina, and attains t<strong>of</strong>ixed meditation, jhana, without difficulty. At this time the yogin accomplishesthe fourth meditation, jhana, <strong>of</strong> the element <strong>of</strong> form. Therefore loving-kindnessis first in (the sphere <strong>of</strong>) the beautiful. 1 At that time the yogin, dependingon loving-kindness which he has developed in the fourth meditation, jhana,<strong>of</strong> the element <strong>of</strong> form, surpasses that (element).Q. How is that shallow? A. He practises loving-kindness; thereforehe knows the tribulations <strong>of</strong> the element <strong>of</strong> form. How? Seeing the sufferings<strong>of</strong> beings he develops loving-kindness through a material cause. After thathe understands the tribulations <strong>of</strong> the element <strong>of</strong> form. He causes the mindto consider the abandoning <strong>of</strong> forms and <strong>of</strong> space, and attains to fixed meditation,jhana, without difficulty in the sphere <strong>of</strong> the infinity <strong>of</strong> space, becausehe depends on it. Therefore it is said that compassion is first in the sphere<strong>of</strong> the infinity <strong>of</strong> space. 2 That yogin surpasses the sphere <strong>of</strong> the infinity <strong>of</strong>space through appreciative joy.Q. What is the meaning? A. That yogin, when he practises appreciativejoy, contemplates on limitless consciousness, and is not attached to anything.How? (Through) this appreciative joy (the yogin) attains to fixed meditation,jhana, through contemplation on beings in the un-attached sphere <strong>of</strong> theinfinity <strong>of</strong> consciousness. After that, being not attached, he grasps theobject <strong>of</strong> limitless consciousness. Freed from form and attached to space,he considers limitless consciousness and through contemplating many objects,he attains to fixed meditation without difficulty. Therefore, in the sphere <strong>of</strong>the infinity <strong>of</strong> consciousness, appreciative joy is first. 3Q. That yogin transcends the sphere <strong>of</strong> the infinity <strong>of</strong> consciousnessthrough equanimity. What is the meaning <strong>of</strong> it?A. That yogin, practising equanimity fulfils freedom from attachment.How? If one does not practise equanimity, he will be attached (to things) and(think), "This being gets happiness", (or this being) "gets suffering". Or hedepends on joy or bliss. Thereafter he turns away from all attachment. Heturns away from the sphere <strong>of</strong> the infinity <strong>of</strong> consciousness 4 and is happy.He attains to fixed meditation, jhana, without difficulty. His mind is not1. See Corny. (Spk. Ill, 172-3) passage marked * included in note 1 under metta,page 195.2. Karund-vihdrissa danddbhighdtddi-rupa-nimittam sattadukkham samanupassantassakarundya pavatti-sambhavato rupe ddinavo suparividito hoti. AtK asset suparividitarupadinavattapafhavi kasinddisu ahnataram ugghdtetva rupa-nissarane dkdse cittam upasathharatoappakasirert eva tattha cittam pakkhandati. hi karund dkdsdnancdyatanassaupanissayo hoti, na tato par am. Tasmd 6 dkdsdnancdyatanaparamd i ti vutta.—Spk. Ill, 173,being comment on sutta passage marked ** in note 1, page 195.3. Muditd-vihdrissa pana tena tena pdmojja-karanena uppanna-pdmojja-sattanam vihhdnamsamanupassantassa muditdya pavatti-sambhavato vinndna-ggahana-paricitam cittam hoti.AtKassa anukkamddhigatam dkdsdnancdyatanam atikkamma dkdsa-nimitta-gocare vinndnecittam upasathharato appakasirert eva tattha cittam pakkhandati. hi muditd vinndnancdyatanassaupanissayo hoti, na tato par am. Tasmd"' 'vinndnancdyatana-paramd' tivutta.—Spk. Ill, 173—comment on passage marked f, page 195.4. Lit. dkihcahhdyatana.

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