Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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194 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>One attains to distinction in the four immeasurables through practising(them) towards animals, immoral persons, moral persons, those who dislikepassion, hearers, Silent Buddhas and Supreme Buddhas regarding them asa mother regards her children according to their stage in life 1 (lit. seasons).Q. Why is the third and not the fourth meditation, jhana, attainedin loving-kindness, compassion and appreciative joy?A. Through constant dwelling on the sorrows (<strong>of</strong> others) one developsloving-kindness, compassion and appreciative joy. (And so no equanimityis present). Therefore the third meditation, jhana, is attained and not thefourth.Again the plane <strong>of</strong> equanimity belongs to the fourth meditation, jhana,because it is endowed with two kinds <strong>of</strong> equanimity, namely, neutral feeling 2and neutrality as regards states. 3 Dwelling in the plane <strong>of</strong> equanimity andregarding all beings with equal favour, one accomplishes equanimity. Owingto the nature <strong>of</strong> the planes <strong>of</strong> the three immeasurables, the third meditation,jhana, and not the fourth, is produced. And again, it is said that the fourmeditations, jhanas, are produced with the four immeasurables. The BlessedOne has declared: "Further, O bhikkhu, you should develop the concentrationwhich is with initial and sustained application <strong>of</strong> thought; you should developthat which is without initial, and only with, sustained application <strong>of</strong> thought;you should develop that which is without initial and without sustained application<strong>of</strong> thought; you should develop that which is with joy; (you shoulddevelop that which is without joy); you should develop that which is accompaniedby equanimity. 4Q. Why are these four immeasurables and not five or three taught?A. Were that so, uncertainty might arise concerning all. And again, inorder to overcome hatred, cruelty, dislike and lust, one accomplishes thefour immeasurables. And again, it is said that these four are (overcome with)only loving-kindness. If one arouses (in oneself) hatred, cruelty, unhappiness,one, through suppressing them in the four ways, attains to distinction.Equanimity is the purification <strong>of</strong> loving-kindness, compassion and appreciativejoy, because through it hatred and lust are destroyed.Further, it should be understood that the four immeasurables are <strong>of</strong> onenature though their signs are different. Thus owing to the suppression <strong>of</strong>tribulation, owing to the object v/hich comprises beings, owing to the wishto benefit, they fulfil one characteristic.1. Cp. Sv. Ill, 1008: Appamannd tipamdnam agahetva anavasesa-pharana-vasena appamannd.2. Vedanupekkhd. 3. Dhammassa majjhattatd.4. Lit. without sustained application <strong>of</strong> thought (vicdra) with only initial application <strong>of</strong>thought iyitakka) which is evidently an error.Cp. (a) S. IV, 360: Katamo ca bhikkhave asankhatagdmi maggo. Savitakko savicdrosamddhi avitakko vicdramatto samddhi avitakko avicdro samddhi. Ayam vuccatibhikkhave asankhatagdmi maggo.(6)D. Ill, 219: Tayo samddhi. Savitakko savicdro samddhi, avitakko vicdra-mattosamddhi, avitakko avicdro samddhi (=Samddhisu pathama-jjhana-samddhi savitakka-

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