Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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192 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>in all places. Again, sorrow <strong>of</strong> birth and death is the common property <strong>of</strong> allbeings. Therefore all beings can in all places practise compassion.Compassion has ended ATHE IMMEASURABLE THOUGHT OF APPRECIATIVE JOYQ. What is appreciative joy? What is the practising <strong>of</strong> it? What areits salient characteristic, function and manifestation? What are its benefits?What is the procedure?A. As parents, who, on seeing the happiness <strong>of</strong> their dear and only childare glad, and say, "sadhu!" so, one develops appreciative joy for all beings.Thus should appreciative joy be known. The undisturbed dwelling <strong>of</strong> themind in appreciative joy — this is called the practising <strong>of</strong> it. Gladness isits salient characteristic. Non-fear is its function. Destruction <strong>of</strong> dislike isits manifestation. Its benefits are equal to those <strong>of</strong> loving-kindness.What is the procedure ? The new yogin enters a place <strong>of</strong> solitude and sitsdown with mind collected and undisturbed. When one sees or hears that someperson's qualities are esteemed by others, and that he is at peace and is joyful,one thinks thus: "sadhu! sadhu! may he continue joyful for a long time!".And again, when one sees or hears that a certain person does not follow demeritoriousdoctrines, or that he does not follow undesirable doctrines and that hefollows desirable doctrines, one thinks thus: "sadhu! sadhu! may he continuejoyful for a long time!". That yogin by these means and through theseactivities develops the thought <strong>of</strong> appreciative joy and repeats it. Having bythese means and through these activities developed the thought <strong>of</strong> appreciativejoy and repeated it, he makes his mind pliant, and capable <strong>of</strong> bearing the object.Thereafter he gradually develops appreciative joy for an indifferent personand an enemy. The rest is as was fully taught above. Thus with appreciativejoy he fills the four directions.Q. What is the fulfilment <strong>of</strong> appreciative joy ? What is its non-fulfilment ?A. When one fulfils appreciative joy, he removes unhappiness, does notarouse impure affection and does not speak untruth. Through two causesappreciative joy is not fulfilled: through resentment produced within himselfand derisive action. The rest is as was fully taught above.Appreciative joyhas ended.THE IMMEASURABLE THOUGHT OF EQUANIMITYQ. What is equanimity? What is the practising <strong>of</strong> it? What are itssalient characteristic, function and manifestation? What are its benefits?What is the procedure?

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