Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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188 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>Q. What are the roots, manifestation, fulfilment, non-fulfilment andobject <strong>of</strong> loving-kindness?A. Absence <strong>of</strong> greed is a root; absence <strong>of</strong> hatred is a root; absence<strong>of</strong> delusion is a root. Willing is a root. Right consideration 1 is a root.What is its "manifestation"? The making visible <strong>of</strong> these roots is its manifestation.What is its "fulfilment" ? When one is endowed with loving-kindnesshe destroys hatred, removes impure affection and purifies his bodily, verbaland mental actions. This is called "fulfilment". What is its "non-fulfilment" ?Through two causes one fails in the practice <strong>of</strong> loving-kindness: through regardingfriends as enemies and through impure affection. "Non-fulfilment"is produced when one arouses the feeling <strong>of</strong> enmity and rivalry. Thus should"non-fulfilment" be known. What is its "object"? Beings are its "object". 2TEN PERFECTIONSQ. That is wrong. In the absolute sense there is no being. Why thenis it said that beings are its object? A. Owing to differences in faculties,in common parlance, it is said that there are beings. Now, the Bodhisatta*and the Mahasatta* develop loving-kindness for all beings and fulfil the tenperfections. 3Q. How is it so? A. The Bodhisatta and the Mahasatta developloving-kindness for all beings and resolve to benefit all beings and give themfearlessness. 4 Thus they fulfil the perfection <strong>of</strong> giving. 5The Bodhisatta and the Mahasatta develop loving-kindness for allbeings.For the sake <strong>of</strong> benefitting all beings, they cause separation from suffering anddo not lose the faculty <strong>of</strong> truth. It is like the relation <strong>of</strong> a father to his children.Thus they fulfil the perfection <strong>of</strong> virtue. 61. Sammd manasikara.2. Sattarammana.— Cp. Mp. II, 41: bne pana cattaro brahmavihdrd vatta honti, vattapaddhonti, vipassandpadd honti, ditthadhammasukhavihdrd honti, abhinndpadd vd nirodhapaddvA, lokuttard pana na honti. Kasmd ? Sattarammanatta ti.* Transliteration. Cp. Sv. IF, 428: Atha Mahdsatto.. . panca-mahd-vilokanam nama vilokesi.3. Ud.-a. 128: Yatha vd te Bhagavanto ddna-pdramirh puretva, sila-nekkhatnma-panndviriya-khanti-sacca-adhitthana-metta-upekkhd-pdramiti imd dasa pdramiyo dasa-upapdramiyo,dasa paramattha-pdramiyo ti samatirhsa pdramiyo puretva, panca mahd-pariccagepariccajitva, pubba-yoga-pubba-cariya-dhamm* akkhdna-hdV attha-cariyadayo puretva,buddhi-cariyaya kotim patvd dgata, tatha ayam pi Bhagavd dgato.4. Abhaya.— Cp. A. IV, 246: Idha bhikkhave ariyasdvako pdndtipdtam pahdya pdndtipatdpativirato hoti. Pdndtipatd pativirato bhikkhave ariyasdvako aparimdndnam sattanamabhayain deti averam deti avydpajjham deti; aparimdndnam sattanam abhayam datvdaveram latvd avydpajjham datvd aparimdnassa abhayassa averassa avydpajjhassa bhagihoti. Mark bhikkhave pathamam ddnam mahdddnam aggahham rattanham vamsahhampordnam asamkinnam asamkinnapubbam na samkiyati na samkiyissati appatikutthamsamanehi brdhmanehi vihnuhi.. .Puna ca param bhikkhave ariyasdvako adinndddnam pahdya adinndddnd pativiratohoti ... pe... kdmesu micchdcdram pahdya kdmesu micchdcdrd pativirato hoti... pe ...musdvddam pahdya musdvddd pativirato hoti... pe... surdmerayamajjapamddatthandpativirato hoti. Surdmerayamajjapamddatthand pativirato bhikkhave ariyasdvako aparimdndnamsattanam abhayam deti... pe... avydpajjhassa bhagi hoti. Idarh bhikkhavepahcamam ddnam mahdddnam aggahnam... pe...5. Ddna-pdrami (pdrami is transliterated in this section). 6. Sila.

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