Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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186 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>gaining) the other's goodwill: If a man does not revere (the other) let himarouse the thought <strong>of</strong> goodwill. If he is not revered, he should make merit.And again, the destruction <strong>of</strong> demerit is well-faring. Thus should the changing<strong>of</strong> hatred to goodwill be known. (4) One's own kamma—one should considerone's own evil kamma 1 thus: "The evil that I do will cause anger toarise in others". (5) Debt-cancellation—(thus one thinks:) "Owing to mypast kamma, others blame me. Now I am free from debt. Reflecting on thisevidence (<strong>of</strong> debt-cancellation), I am glad". (6) Kinship — he remembersthat beings succeed one another in (the cycle <strong>of</strong>) birth and death, thus: "Thisis my kinsman", and arouses the thought <strong>of</strong> kinship. 2 (7) One's own faults —one arouses self-perception thus: "That man's anger is produced on account<strong>of</strong> me. I acquire demerit on account <strong>of</strong> him". Thus arousing self-perception3 one sees one's own faults. (8) One should not consider — one shouldnot consider the perception (<strong>of</strong> one's own suffering) which is unrelated tohatred. Suffering — (one thinks thus:) "Owing to folly, I see my own sufferingas a hindrance". Thus one should see. One suffers by oneself, because onedoes not think on loving-kindness. It appears so (i.e., as a hindrance) because<strong>of</strong> mental suffering. Avoiding the place where the enemy lives, one shoulddwell where one does not hear (his voice) or see him. (9) Nature <strong>of</strong> thefaculties — one should investigate thus: "To be tied to the lovely and theunlovely is the nature <strong>of</strong> the faculties. Therefore I hate. Because <strong>of</strong> thisI am unmindful". (10) The momentary destruction <strong>of</strong> states—one shouldinvestigate thus: "That man suffers because <strong>of</strong> birth. All these states perishin one thought-moment. With which state in him am I angry?". (11) Aggregation—one should investigate thus: "The inner and the outer aggregatesproduce suffering. It is not possible for me to be angry with any part orplace". (12) Emptiness — one should investigate thus: In the absolutesense it cannot be said, "This man causes suffering" or "This man suffers".upafthapeyya 'aho vatdyam puriso labheyya sappdydni bhojandni labheyya sappdydni bhesajjanilabheyya pafirupam upatthakam labheyya gdmantandyakam. Tarn kissa hetu? Mdyarhpuriso idW eva anayavyasanam dpajjatV ti. Evam eva kho dvuso yvdyarh puggalo aparisuddhakdyasamdcdroaparisuddhavacisamdcdro na ca labhati kdlena kdlam cetaso vivaramcetaso pasadam, evarupe dvuso puggale karuhnam yeva upatthapetabbam anudaya yevaupatthapetabbd anukampd yeva upatthapetabbd 'aho vata ayam dyasma kdyaduccaritampahdya kdyasucaritam bhaveyya, vaciduccaritam pahdya vacisucaritarh bhaveyya, manoduccaritampahdya manosucaritarh bhaveyya. Tarn kissa hetu ? Mdyam dyasma kdyassabhedd parammarand apdyarh duggatim vinipdtam nirayam uppajjatV ti. Evam tasmimpuggale dghdto pativinetabbo.1. A. V, 88: Kammassako 'mhi kammaddyddo; M. I, 390: Evam paharh Punna: kammaddydddsatta ti vaddmi.2. S. II, 189-90: Na so bhikkhave satto sulabhariipo, yo na mdtdbhutapubbo imind dighenaaddhund. Tarn kissa hetu ? Anamataggayam bhikkhave samsdro pubbdkoti na pahhdyatiavijjdnivarandnam sattanam tanhdsamyojandnam sandhavatam samsaratam.Evam digharattam kho bhikkhave dukkham paccanubhutam tibbam paccanubhutamvyasanam paccanubhutam katasi vaddhitd, ydvancidam bhikkhave alam eva sabbasankhdresunibbinditum alam virajjitum alam vimuccitunti.Na so bhikkhave satto sulabhariipo yo na pitdbhutapubbo...Na so bhikkhave satto sulabhariipo yo na bhatdbhutapubbo...Na so bhikkhave satto sulabhariipo yo na bhaginibhutapubbo...Na so bhikkhave satto sulabhariipo yo na puttobhiitapubbo...3. Atta sannd.

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