Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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184 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>and the benefits he has acquired (in and through that one), and developsloving-kindness towards that one. One should develop the benevolent mindand always reflect and investigate. One should have a mind that is withoutanger and resentment. One should wish to be endowed with tranquillity,to be free from hatred, to be endowed with all merits and to gain good advantages.One should wish to gain a good reward, a good name, to gain confidence,to gain happiness, to be endowed with virtue, knowledge, liberalityand wisdom. One should wish for happy sleep and happy awaking. Oneshould wish to have no evil dreams. One should wish to become dear tohumans and to be honoured by them. One should wish to become dear tonon-humans and to be honoured by them. One should wish to be protectedby the gods; to be untouched by fire, poison, sword or stick and the like;to concentrate the mind quickly; to have a pleasant complexion; to be bornin the Middle Country; 1 to meet good men; to perfect oneself; to end craving;to be long-lived; and to attain to the peace and happiness <strong>of</strong> the Immortal.And again, one should recollect thus: If one has not yet produceddemerit, one should wish not to produce it; and if one has already producedit, one should wish to destroy it. If one has not yet produced merit, one shouldwish to produce it; and if one has already produced it, one should wish toincrease it. 2 And again, one should not wish to produce undesirable states,and if one has produced them, one shouid wish to destroy them. (One shouldwish to produce) desirable states <strong>of</strong> mind, (and if one has) produced them,one should wish to increase them).That yogin is able to gain confidence by means <strong>of</strong> the heart <strong>of</strong> kindness.Through confidence that is free, he can establish his mind. Through establishingthat is free, he can dwell in mindfulness. Through mindfulness thatis free, through establishing that is free and through confidence that is free,he is endowed with the unshakable mind, and he understands the state <strong>of</strong>the unshakable (mind). That yogin by these means and through these activitiesdevelops the thought 3 <strong>of</strong> loving-kindness for himself, repeats it and understandsunshakability. [436] Having by these means and through these activitiesdeveloped the thought <strong>of</strong> loving-kindness and repeated it, he makes his mindpliant and gradually develops the thought <strong>of</strong> loving-kindness for a personwhom he holds dear. After he has developed the thought <strong>of</strong> loving-kindnessfor a person whom he holds dear, he gradually develops the thought <strong>of</strong> lovingkindnessfor an indifferent person. After he has developed the thought <strong>of</strong>loving-kindness for an indifferent person, he gradually develops the thought <strong>of</strong>1. Majjhimadesa.2. A. II, 15; IV, 462: Imesarh kho bhikkhave pahcannmh sikkhddubbalydnarh pahandyacattaro sammappadhand bhavetabbd. Katame cattaro ? Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu anuppanndnarhakusaldnarh dhammdnarh anuppaddya chandam janeti vdyamati viriyarh drabhaticittarh pagganhdti padahati, uppanndnarh pdpakdnam akusaldnarh dhammdnarh pahandya... , anuppanndnam kusaldnam dhammdnarh uppaddya..., uppanndnarh kusaldnamdhammdnarh thitiya asammosdya bhiyyobhavdya vepulldya bhavandya pdripuriya candamjaneti vdyamati viriyarh drabhati cittam pagganhdti padahati.3. Safind. ' '

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