Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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182 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>DISADVANTAGES OF ANGER AND RESENTMENTWhat is the procedure? The new yogin who aspires to practise lovingkindness,should at first reflect on the disadvantages <strong>of</strong> anger and resentmentand on the advantages <strong>of</strong> patience and bear patience in mind. What is meantby "should at first reflect on the disadvantages <strong>of</strong> anger and resentment"?If a man arouses anger and resentment, his thoughts <strong>of</strong> loving-kindness willbe consumed and his mind will become impure. Thereafter he will frown;thereafter he will utter harsh words; thereafter he will stare in the four directions; thereafter he will lay hold <strong>of</strong> stick and sword; thereafter he will convulsewith rage and spit blood; thereafter he will hurl valuables hither and thither;thereafter he will break many things; thereafter he will kill others or killhimself. And again, if a man is angry and resentful always, he, owing to hiswicked mind, is liable to kill his parents, or kill a Consummate One or causea schism in the Community <strong>of</strong> Bhikkhus, or draw blood from the body <strong>of</strong> anEnlightened One. Such fearful acts is he liable to do. Thus should onereflect.SIMILE OF THE SAWAnd again, one should reflect thus: I am called a hearer; I shall be put toshame, if I do not remove anger and resentment. I remember the simile <strong>of</strong>the Saw. 1 I like to enjoy good states (<strong>of</strong> mind); if now I arouse anger andresentment, I shall be like a man desirous <strong>of</strong> taking a bath, entering into acesspool. I am one who has heard much;* if I do not overcome anger andresentment, I shall be forsaken like a physician who is afflicted with vomitingand diarrhoea. I am esteemed by the world; if I do not remove anger andresentment, I shall be cast away by the world like a painted vase containingfilth, and uncovered. (Further, one reflects thus:) When a wise man growsangry and resentful, he inflicts severe sufferings. So he will be poisoned out<strong>of</strong> the fear <strong>of</strong> terrible punishment. If a man who is bitten by a snake has theantidote and refrains from taking it, he is like one who seems to relish sufferingand not happiness. In the same way, a bhikkhu who arouses anger andresentment and does not suppress these, quickly, is said to be one who relishessuffering and not happiness, because he accumulates more fearful kammathan this anger and this resentment. And again, one should reflect on angerand resentment thus: He who arouses anger and resentment will be laughedat by his enemies, and cause his friends to be ashamed <strong>of</strong> him. Though hemay have deep virtue, he will be slighted by others. If he was honouredbefore, he will be despised hereafter. Aspiring after happiness, he will acquiremisery. Outwardly calm, he will be inwardly perturbed. Having eyes, he1. (a) Th. 445: Uppajjate sace kodho dvajja kakacupamam.(b) M. I, 129, 186, 189: Ubhatodandakena ce pi bhikkhave kakacena cord ocarakdangamangdni okanteyyum, tatra piyo mono padoseyya na me so Una sdsanakaro ti.2. Bahussuta,

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