Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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Subjects <strong>of</strong> Meditation 175is called "body-hair licker". The worm that relies on the nails is called "naillicker".The worms that rely on the skin are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first iscalled tuna.* The second is called tunanda* The worms that rely on themidriff are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first is called viramba.* The second is calledmaviramba* The worms that rely on the flesh are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The firstis called araba* The second is called raba* The worms that rely on theblood are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first is called bara.* The second is calledbadara.* The worms that rely on the tendons are <strong>of</strong> four kinds. The first iscalled rotara* The second is called kitaba* The third is called baravatara*The fourth is called ranavarana* The worm that relies on the veins is calledkarikuna* The worms that rely on the roots <strong>of</strong> the veins are <strong>of</strong> two kinds.The first is called sivara* The second is called ubasisira* The wormsthat rely on the bones are <strong>of</strong> four kinds. The first is called kachibida* Thesecond is called anabida* The third is called chiridabida* The fourth iscalled kachigokara* The worms that rely on the marrow are <strong>of</strong> two kinds.The first is called bisha* The second is called bishashira* The worms thatrely on the spleen are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first is called nira* The second iscalled bita* The worms that rely on the heart are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first iscalled sibita* The second is called ubadabita* The worms that rely on theroot <strong>of</strong> the heart are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first is called manka.* The second iscalled sir a* The worms that rely on the fat are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The firstis called kara* The second is called karasira* The worms that rely onthe bladder are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first is called bikara* The second iscalled mahakara* The worms that rely on the root <strong>of</strong> the bladder are <strong>of</strong>two kinds. The first is called kara* The second is called karasira* Theworms that rely on the belly are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first is called rata* Thesecond is called maharata* The worms that rely on the mesentery are <strong>of</strong>two kinds. The first is called sorata* The second is called maharata* Theworms that rely on the root <strong>of</strong> the mesentery are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first iscalled {si-) ba* The second is called mahasiba* The worms that rely on theintestines are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first is called anabaka* The second iscalled kababaka* The worms that rely on the stomach are <strong>of</strong> four kinds.The first is called ujuka* The second is called ushaba* The third is calledchishaba* The fourth is called senshiba* The worms that rely on theripened womb are <strong>of</strong> four kinds. The first is called vakana* The secondis called mahavakana* The third is called unaban* The fourth is calledpunamaka* The worm that relies on the bile is called hitasoka* Theworm that relies on saliva is called senka* The worm that relies on sweatis called sudasaka* The worm that relies on oil is called jidasaka* Theworms that rely on vitality are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first is called subakama*The second is called samakita* The worms that rely on the root <strong>of</strong> vitalityare <strong>of</strong> three kinds. The first is called sukamuka* The second is calleddarukamuka* The third is called sanamuka* There are five 1 kinds <strong>of</strong>* Transliterations. 1. Only four are explained below.

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