Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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174 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>THE WORMS THAT RELY ON THE BODYQ. How should one reflect on the nature <strong>of</strong> the body through "worms" ?A. This body is gnawn by eighty thousand worms. The worm thatrelies on the hair is called "hair-iron". The worm that relies on the skullis called "swollen ear". The worm that relies on the brain is called "maddener".In this class there are four kinds. The first is called ukurimba* The secondis called shibara* The third is called daraka* The fourth is called dakashira*The worm that relies on the eye is called "eye-licker". The wormthat relies on the ear is called "ear-licker". The worm that relies on thenose is called "nose-licker". There are three kinds here. The first is calledrukamuka* The second is called aruka.* 1 The third is called manarumuka*The worm that relies on the tongue is called muka.* The worm that relieson the root <strong>of</strong> the tongue is called motanta* The worm that relies on theteeth is called kuba.* The worm that relies on the roots <strong>of</strong> the teeth is calledubakuba.* The worm that relies on the throat is called abasaka* Theworms that rely on the neck are <strong>of</strong> two kinds. The first is called rokara*The second is called virokara.* The worm that relies on the hair <strong>of</strong> the bodykalalrh hoti ti. Yam sandhaya vuttam:—Tila-telassa yatha bindu, sappi-mando andvilo,evam vanna-patibhagam kalalam sampavuccati ti.Kalald hoti abbudan ti, tasmd kalald sattah' accayena mamsa-dhovana-udaka-vannamabbudam nama hoti. Kalalan ti namarh antaradhayati. Vuttam hi c' etam:—Sattaharh kalalam hoti paripakkam samuhatam,vivattamdnam tarn bhavam abbudam nama jayati ti.Abbudd jay ate pesi ti, tasmd pi abbudd sattaK accayena vilina-tipu-sadisd pesi namasanjayati. Sd marica-phdnitena dipetabbd. Gdma-ddrakd hi supakkdni maricdni gahetva,sdtak' ante bhandikam katvd, piletva mandam dddya, kapdle pakkhipitva, dtape thapenti.Tarn sukkamdnam sabba-bhagehi muccati. Evarupa pesi hoti. Abbudan ti namarhantaradhayati. Vuttam pi c'etam:—Sattaharh abbudam hoti paripakkam samuhatam,vivattamdnam tarn bhavam pesi nama ca jayati ti.Pesi nibattati ghano ti, tato pesito sattah' accayena kukkuf andasanthano ghano namamamsa-pindo nibbattati. Pesi ti namam antaradhayati. Vuttam pi c'etam:—Sattaham pesi bhavati paripakkam samuhatam,vivattamdnam tarn bhavam ghano ti nama jayati ti.Yatha kukkutiya andam samantd parimandalam,evam ghanassa santhanam nibbattam kamma-paccaya ti.Ghana pasdkhd jayanti ti, pancame sattahe dvinnam hattha-paddnam sisassa c' atthayapanca pilakd jayanti. Yam sandhay etam vuttam: "Pancame, bhikkhave, sattahe pahcapi\akd santhahanti kammato" ( ?) ti. Ito param chattha-sattamddini sattahdni atikkammadesanam sankhipitva dvdcatta\ise sattahe parinata-kdlam gahetva dassento kesd ti ddim aha.Tattha kesd lomd nakhdni cd ti, dvd-cattajise sattahe etani jayanti. Tena so tatthaydpeti ti, tassa hi ndbhito uUhahitandlo mdtu-udara-patalena ekdbaddho hoti. So uppaladandakoviya chiddo. Tena dhara-raso samsaritva dhardsamutthana-rupam samutthapeti.Evan so dasamdse ydpeti. Mdtu-kucchigato naro ti, mdtuyd tiro-kucchi-gato, kucchiyaabbhantara-gato ti attho. Iti Bhagavd 'evam kho, yakkha, ayam satto anupubbena mdtukucchiyarhvaddhati, na ekappahdren' eva nibbattati' ti dasseti.—Spk. I, 300-1).Transliteration's.Cp. (a) S. IV, 198: Seyyathapi bhikkhave puriso arugatto pakkagatto saravanam paviseyya;tassa kusakanfakd ceva pade vijjheyyum arupakkdni gattani vilikkheyyum.(b) M. I., 506: Seyyathapi Mdgandiya kutthi puriso arugatto pakkagatto kimihikhajjamdno nakhehi vanamukhdni vippatacchamdno(c) Mil 357: Arugatta-pakkagatto puluvdkinna-sabbakdyo.

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