Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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Subjects <strong>of</strong> Meditation 169reaching a hundred years. Thus one practises mindfulness <strong>of</strong> death "throughthe distinguishing <strong>of</strong> time". And again one practises thus: "I wonder whetherit is possible for me to live a day and a night. I wonder whether during thattime I could think on the teaching <strong>of</strong> the Blessed One — could I have thatopportunity! I wonder whether I could live even for a day. Or could I livefor half a day, or for a short while. Could I live long enough to partake <strong>of</strong>a single meal, half a meal, or even long enough to gather and partake <strong>of</strong> fouror five morsels <strong>of</strong> food! Could I live long enough to breathe out havingbreathed in, or could I live long enough to breathe in having breathed out". 1(Thus) one practises mindfuiness <strong>of</strong> death "through the distinguishing <strong>of</strong>time".Q. How does one practise mindfulness <strong>of</strong> death "through the absence<strong>of</strong> the sign"? A. There is no sign. Therefore there is no fixed time fordeath. Thus one practises mindfulness <strong>of</strong> death "through the absence <strong>of</strong>the sign". Q. How does one practise mindfulness <strong>of</strong> death "through theshortness <strong>of</strong> the moment"? 2 A. If one reckons the causes <strong>of</strong> the presentand not those <strong>of</strong> the past or the future, beings exist but a single consciousmoment. Nothing exists for two moments. Thus all beings sink in theconscious moment. 3 It is taught in the Abhidhamma thus: "In the past1. A. Ill, 305-6: Yvdyam bhikkhave bhikkhu evarh maranasatim bhdveti *'dho vatdhamrattindivam jiveyyam, Bhagavato sdsanam manasikareyyam, bahu vata me katam assa y ti,yo cdyath bhikkhave bhikkhu evam maranasatim bhdveti 'aho vatdham divasam jiveyyamBhagavato sdsanam manasikareyyam bahu vata me katam assa 9 ti, yo cdyam bhikkhavebhikkhu evam maranasatim bhdveti 'aho vatdham tadantaram jiveyyam yadantaram ekampindapdtam bhunjdmi, Bhagavato sdsanam manasikareyyam, bahu vata me katam assa* ti,yo cdyam bhikkhave bhikkhu evam maranasatim bhdveti 'aho vatdham tadantaram jiveyyamyadantaram cattdro panca dlope sarhkhdditvd ajjhohardmi, Bhagavato sdsanam manasikareyyam,bahu vata me katam assa' ti; ime vuccanti bhikkhave bhikkhu: pamattd viharanti,dandham maranasatim bhdventi dsavdnam khaydya.Yo ca khvdyam bhikkhave bhikkhu evam maranasatim bhdveti 'aho vatdhamtadantaram jiveyyam yadantaram ekam dlopam sarhkhdditvd ajjhohardmi, Bhagavatosdsanam manasikareyyam, bahu vata me katam assa" >ti, yo cdyam bhikkhave bhikkhuevam maranasatim bhdveti 'aho vatdham tadantaram jiveyyam yadantaram assasitvd vdpassasdmi passasitvd vd assasdmi, Bhagavato sdsanam manasikareyyam bahu vata mekatam assa' ti; ime vuccanti bhikkhave bhikkhu: appamattd viharanti, tikkham maranasatimbhdventi dsavdnam khaydya. Tasmd ti ha bhikkhave evam sikkhitabbam:—Appamattd viharissama, tikkham maranasatim bhdvessama dsavdnam khaydya ti.Evam hi vo bhikkhave sikkhitabban ti.2. Transliteration <strong>of</strong> ksana. 120 ksanas = 1 tatksana;60 tatksanas = 1 lava; 30 lavas «= 1 muhurta; 30 muhurtas = 1 day and 1 night.(Abhidharmakosa, Fascicle 12). Therefore2f 6 ?The following is given in the Dirgha Agama, No. 22, Taisho Edition, p. 146:— 60 khanas =1 lay a; 30 lay as =» 1 muhutta; 100 muhuttas = 1 upamd. Below are two other tables:—(a) 60 ksanas = 1 lava; 30 lavas =» 1 hour; 30 hours = 1 day;, ' 24 x 60 x 60 . . ,1 ksana - _ _ _ _ _ - 1.6 seconds.(b) 120 ksanas = 1 tatksana; 60 tatksanas = 1 lava; 30 lavas = 1 muhurta;50 muhurtas = 1 hour; 6 hours = 1 day;- FTWrWTSnnS - TST - .0013....<strong>of</strong>asecond.3. Cittakkhana,

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