Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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Subjects <strong>of</strong> Meditation 155<strong>of</strong> Tdvatimsa, Ydma, Tusita, Nimmdnarati, Paranimmitavasavatti heavens.There are the Brahma-group deities and other deities. Those deities, beingendowed with such confidence, on dying here, were born there. I too havesuch confidence. Endowed with such virtue, such learning, such liberalityand such wisdom, those deities were born there. I too have such wisdom". 1Thus he recollects his own and the deities' confidence, virtue, learning, liberalityand wisdom.That yogin in these ways and through these virtues practises therecollection <strong>of</strong> deities, and is thereby endowed with confidence. Owing toconfidence and recollectedness, his mind is undisturbed. With undisturbedmind he destroys the hindrances, arouses the meditation (jhana) factors andattains to access-meditation.Q. Why does one recollect the merit <strong>of</strong> deities and not <strong>of</strong> humans?A. The merit <strong>of</strong> the deities is the most excellent. They are born inexcellent realms and are endowed with excellent minds. Having entered agood realm, they are endowed with good. Therefore one should recollectthe merit <strong>of</strong> the deities and not the merits <strong>of</strong> men. The rest is as was fullytaught above.The recollection <strong>of</strong> deities has ended.The sixth fascicle has ended.A. TIT, 287; Puna ca par am Mahdndma ariyasdvako devatdnussatim bhdvetil santi devdCdtummahdrdjikd, santi devd Tdvatimsa, santi devd Ydma, santi devd Tusitd, santi devdNimmdnaratino, santi devd Paranimmitavasavattino, santi devd Brahmakdyikd, santi devdTaduttari; yathdrupdya saddhdya samanndgatd id devatd ito cutd tattha uppannd, mayhampi tathdrupd saddhd samvijjati; yathdrupena silena samanndgatd td devatd ito cutd tatthauppannd, mayham pi tathdrupam silam samvijjati; yathdrupena sutena samanndgatd tddevatd tato cutd tattha uppannd, mayham pi tathdrupam sutarh samvijjati; yathdrupenacdgena samanndgatd td devatd ito cutd tattha uppannd, mayham pi tathdrupo cdgosamvijjati; yathdrupdya panndya samanndgatd td devatd ito cutd tattha uppannd, mayhampi tathdrupd pannd samvijjatV ti.

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